Replacement UTV winch line


Jan 5, 2018
Spring Green, WI
I have a Can Am defender with a factory winch, which has the steel cable. I want to replace it with synthetic rope. Any suggestions on brand, or good and bads about different types? I assume I’ll have to swap the rollers for an aluminum piece.
You do need an aluminum fairlead for synthetic line. ive got some random amazon brand "allto" on my bronco and its been just fine. keep in mind that uv is bad for amsteel and similar materials so a cover would be a wise investment.
I've bought 3 or 4 synthetic ropes off ebay or amazon for ATVs and SxSs and I've never had any issues.

And yes, get an aluminum fairlead and get rid of the rollers.
Why is an aluminum fairlead a requirement? Mooring lines on ships are routed through steel ones without issue. I would assume that as long as they are smooth it should be fine.
They are great, but like said above UV and Dry rot. Most have a shelf life. Safer for sure.
Why is an aluminum fairlead a requirement? Mooring lines on ships are routed through steel ones without issue. I would assume that as long as they are smooth it should be fine.
I believe they are talking about roller fairleads, Sharp corners. Smooth steel fairleads like warn sells work just fine. All the rope needs is smooth surface and radiused corners one piece fairlead.
I’ve had the harbor freight one for 2 years now. Really only use it while plowing but it’s held up so far.
Thanks guys. I’m a little gunshy about some of the cheaper ones. By the time I need my winch, I’m usually in a pretty tough spot. This is something I wouldn’t be afraid to spend a little extra on vs pinch pennies.
Thanks guys. I’m a little gunshy about some of the cheaper ones. By the time I need my winch, I’m usually in a pretty tough spot. This is something I wouldn’t be afraid to spend a little extra on vs pinch pennies.
If you don't want some Chinese junk off amazon, go here and get yourself a 3/16" one of whatever length you need. Made in America and they are quality ropes. We use these on all our work trucks and also have them on a few of our fire department vehicles.
When looking for winch rope read the specs. Dyneema rope, which is what it is called, comes in different grades. The least expensive is called SK75, then there is SK78, and finally SK99Max. The 75 is your amazon, Harbor Freight stuff. It will work for most applications of basic needs, 78 is a better built rope with a little higher breaking strength and usually has a UV inhibitor applied to it during the manufacturing process. The 99Max is the strongest of the ropes and if you want the best and strongest that is what you want, it is also about twice the price. I use 78 on all my ATV and UTV winches. Most ATV-UTV winches come with 1/4" cable, when I replace with Dyneema I install 5/16" rope.

You can still get 50' on the drum easy enough. You can order bulk rope and install it yourself, putting the loop in the pulling end is not that difficult. Also get some soft shackles to attach to your rope when pulling, it will reduce the chance of damaging the rope. I can make trail repairs with a ball point pen if I need to. As far as fairleads go, you can use new steel rollers, or a smooth fairlead, or I have synthetic rope fairleads on my stuff that has hard rubber rollers on the fairlead. The object is not let the Fairlead get nicks in it that will damage the rope. As always these are just my humble opinions and YMMV.

Another advantage to rope is, if you by some chance break it during a pull it will not have any stored up energy in it, it will fall straight to the ground unlike cable which will hunt you down and try to kill you. Been there done that.
I've been buying the Amazon winch rope with no issues. I've replaced various cable winch systems with it and also use it for other hard wear rope uses. I generally buy an extra and store it on my ATV/UTV. Gives you extra length in a pinch or I can replace what has broken. I generally buy a thicker/heavier line than I probably need.

Edit to say: if this was something I used everyday I would go to a name brand rope. I use mine for plowing snow and occasionally winching out my machines.