Reloading cast lead for lever guns challenges.


Dec 31, 2024
I don’t think this has been discussed. I recently bought a 44mag Henry and worked up a nice deer load with h110 and xtp’s. I’ve never messed with cast bullets but decided to work up some plinking loads with some Missouri bullet 200gn coated bullets. I quickly learned that the h110 just pushes them too fast. Lower charges produced sooty cases and increased charges led to rapidly decreasing accuracy. I briefly tried cfe pistol but the low case fill makes me too uncomfortable with the risk of double charges. Take 3: I loaded up some rounds with Shooters World Heavy pistol. Accuracy improved up to 17.5 gn (2in group @ 50yds) and then expanded groups at 18 and 18.5 gn. The question: I have a couple more grains before max. Does anyone find improved accuracy going upward in charge after the groups start to spread with cast or is it a waste of powder as I suspect? Thanks for your thoughts.