Reintroduce Grizzlies into CA

Do you support the reintroduction of grizzly bears to CA?

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@Hoghead I was hoping for comments as well from someone who knows their interactions better. I will also try the googles.

@Azone According to what I read from a yosemite biologist’s thoughts on grizzlies, he noted the coastal bears would not hibernate. It led to them growing bigger as well due to year round food availability. I know a healthy blacktail can easily outrun a bear - they are much more agile. Even a young deer should be able to, but not a fawn. That would be a threat. Same question arises though, will griz displace or eliminate black bears to make the net bear numbers a wash? Or will it compound the problem?

Sounds like a reintroduction plan would need to study current effects of predation on deer where both bear species exist, as well as displacement/elimination of black bears where they coexist. Also habitat considerations as far as holding capacity goes. I think Alaska would be a better comparison for g bears and blacktails vs wyoming, idaho, or MT.

Constructive criticism gentlemen. Thank you.
Would probably be smart to study what I wrote above in two different categories - coastal, and inland. The habitat is too different, but there will be some similarities.

I work for a large company with offices all over the better part of the state. The vast majority of my, as described above, pierced and blue haired coworkers are not CA natives.
30% of residents currently living in California are NOT FROM THIS COUNTRY. The remaining 70% are largely from other states cuz they were too ******* stupid and weird to remain in their home town. Narcissists are automatically relocated are Marxists, Communists and addicts seeking rehab in multi-million dollar homes. Those of us born & raised in CA have seen the influx and witnessed the state go from red to oh-so-blue. Too many damn gutless conservatives fled the state, handing it (and the country) over to these leftist pinheads. Some of us stay and fight the good fight. I hate it when people mock's like blaming the patient for cancer. The infection is Communism disguised as Socialism further disguised as Democratic. While you point your finger at California with scorn...the same disease is entrenching itself in your backyard.

This is how we ended up with moratoriums on lions & sealions WITH NO SUNSET CLAUSE. They put it on the ballot with lots of huggy images showing how cute and cuddly they are and the inner city morons all vote for it. I hate the politics in this state of confusion.
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30% of residents currently living in California are NOT FROM THIS COUNTRY. The remaining 70% are largely from other states cuz they were too ******* stupid and weird to remain in their home town. Narcissists are automatically relocated are Marxists, Communists and addicts seeking rehab in multi-million dollar homes. Those of us born & raised in CA have seen the influx and witnessed the state go from red to oh-so-blue. Too many damn gutless conservatives fled the state, handing it (and the country) over to these leftist pinheads. Some of us stay and fight the good fight. I hate it when people mock's like blaming the patient for cancer. The infection is Communism disguised as Socialism further disguised as Democratic. While you point your finger at California with scorn...the same disease is entrenching itself in your backyard.

This is how we ended up with moratoriums on lions & sealions WITH NO SUNSET CLAUSE. They put it on the ballot with lots of huggy images showing how cute and cuddly they are and the inner city morons all vote for it. I hate the politics in this state of confusion.
Hey dum dum
97% of californians are not from this country. Gtfoh with that racist dribble

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I don't think it's racist to point out a immigration problem. This country was founded on immigration I'm all for it as long as it's done legal. If there was no immigration I wouldn't be here. But if you want to move here and not learn the language and just take advantage of the system that's bs. My dad was the first of his brothers and sisters born here. My family learned English and became citizens legally. I didn't know my dad spoke Spanish until I was 16. They became Americans and lived a better life for it.

Sent from my SM-G781V using Tapatalk
I don't think it's racist to point out a immigration problem. This country was founded on immigration I'm all for it as long as it's done legal. If there was no immigration I wouldn't be here. But if you want to move here and not learn the language and just take advantage of the system that's bs. My dad was the first of his brothers and sisters born here. My family learned English and became citizens legally. I didn't know my dad spoke Spanish until I was 16. They became Americans and lived a better life for it.

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It's pretty effing tone deaf for a European decendant to turn a discussion about wildlife into some bullshot about immigrants.
About learning the language- my Italian grandparents never did- my grandfather spoke broken English for work(railroad) but most of his crew were also Italian or Sicilian because shocker they moved into an Italian neighborhoodand didn't assimilate.
Until very recently it wasn't that uncommon for immigrants to speak their native tongues so why the pressure to assimilate now? Racism- or NIMBY "racism light"

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Sorry to offend you but I wouldn't move to another country and not learn the language. I have opinion you have yours.

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Oh no offense taken just know that It's not an opinion it's how things happened in America until very recently And it's extremely common all over the world still today. Racist in this country have relied on shell arguments like reading and speaking comprehension to deny rights to non whites for too long. It was also a tool used by actual communist regimes in the former soviet union, Cambodia, and others to ethnically cleanse the non pure speakers.

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I can tell you I am not racist. I'm a mut more Mexican than anything. Like I said I am for immigration if done legally. I judge people buy how they treat me and others. I don't care if you are brown black pink or yellow if you are a good person you are good with me. I don't care for freeloaders and people who think it's ok to sneak into a country and take advantage of the benefits but not become a citizen. We are getting off topic and I apologize to everyone for that.

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My little road & valley here in rural San Diego county is where the largest Bear ever killed in the lower 48 was shot sometime in the 1800’s. We are ready again I’ll get the shotguns loaded with 00 & have the 300 Weatherby loaded in the corner.
I 100% believe this would be a great idea, but only if the let them go in southern cali and then naturally populate moving north. Also I would be willing to start and head our local chapter of BTGBTC (Bring the grizzly back to cali).
Discussions about CA will take some bad turns a lot lol. You guys got way off track and right after I complimented your constructive criticism lmao. Way to go…

Need someone smart with info on black bear/grizzly bear cohabitation.

For reintroduction, Id go with the central coastal range, the thick mendo northern range, and somewhere in the sierras - yosemite? Need to have an idea of how many bears that are necessary to maintain and build a population.
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