buddy you spout talking points like they are going out of style. Indoctrination can work both ways and your proving it.I think there's much of this post that shows how confused and misinformed many are on this issue and what a challenge the NRA and those who truly support the 2nd have in terms of education of the masses against the mega liberal media machine that very rarely even makes a real effort to report on this issue in an unbiased way. So easy to be indoctrinated and go with the politically correct flow.
It's a David and Goliath issue in that getting the unadulterated message across, while challenging the liberal media and public education system (teacher unions often being the issue) mega machines at the same time, is very difficult. But it's a worthwhile effort to educate and that effort will never stop. All those liberals, though, need to practice what they preach and open their minds to a different message. When I have this conversation with liberals, I tend to find their minds are generally the most closed I run across. Nearly impossible to have fruitful conversation as their name calling starts and they shut down what could otherwise be a rational conversation.
This thread also shows how many hunters and gun owners in general are confused and misinformed on the issue. Been there.
Join the NRA. Upgrade you membership. By memberships for those who might not otherwise if they agree to it so they get the magazines (American Hunter [wait, what?] or American Rifleman) and they can maybe start to hear the other side of the story just a little bit. Not a perfect organiztion--show me one that is--but one of the few battleships still afloat with some firepower to battle an armada of ill-conceived, politically correct liberalism.
The NRA is far from perfect and honestly i think they need to adapt to a changing environment or they will contuine to loose ground. If they can Disenfranchise someone like me, a life member who coughed up money for the cause then for sure they are on shifty ground with Joe Q Public. Adapt or die.
To quote Darwin: “It is not the strongest species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change.”
Heraclitus: “All is flux, nothing stays still—there is nothing permanent except change.”