Recovery tools, what works best for me.


Nov 6, 2014
I CrossFit 5 + times a week and swim a couple. I am also 40 which leads to pain and trouble with recovery. Here are the tools I use and find effective.
Supplements - The only supplement I recommend is Dr Parsley’s sleep remedy it is expensive but it just works so well.

Ice baths suck but really show results. Nighttime marital performance is better and sleep is improved.

Power massager-Theragu/Tim Tam/Hyperice are game changers Hyperice is the best out there due to it being so quiet. The others are just as good but super loud, I have a Tim Tam for sale I will give you a deal on.

Voodoo floss is a go to for areas that you can wrap. Kabuki Strength has large versions for legs that is awesome. Cured my carpal tunnel with it.

Mobility wod Not the coolest site for this but the original and the best,if you don’t want to pay YouTube has the first year he did it for free.

Lacrosse balls-see mobwod for different iterations.

Couch stretch - Cured my back pain.

I sauna but have no real immediate results but the research is there
Oct 3, 2018
Hoback, WY
My best recovery tools start with sensible programming aka not doing stupid shit, managing fatigue, not chasing it.
Eating well, getting plenty of protein, good fats and enough carbs to support training goals
Not consuming alcohol
Getting plenty of sleep plus naps, daily if possible
Active recovery, i.e. easy bike rides or dog walks
Drinking lots of water
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Dec 5, 2016
We use couch stretch at least twice per week. I CrossFit several times a week as well.......I have also found arriving about 10 mind early and getting on the bike or rower helps 'warm me up', especially after a day of sitting behind a desk......
Mar 21, 2012
Missoula, MT
Love the couch stretch. I sit at a desk for 40 hours a week, and if I don't do the couch stretch regularly my hip flexors get super tight. I notice a big difference in mobility- especially when trying to get deep into a squat


Dec 20, 2018
N/E Kansas
Nutrition, rest, water, realistic training program set up for constant small gains/improvements. Never quit, consistency in nutrition/workouts will yield big results.

Metabolic Nutrition's TAG is an awesome recovery supplement. I highly recommend it. Get some and do a workout that normally leaves you spent and that you know how long your full recovery example would be 24 hours to full recovery. Take a dose before workout, after workout and 2 hours later and see what results you get. It really has to be a truly fatiguing workout that you have done before so you have a good comparison.
Feb 2, 2016
Yoga, ZMA supplement, sleep and CBD are the big ones for me!

What brand CBD are you using and dosing? I’ve been looking into it but having a hard time discerning what’s a good product and what is just good marketing.

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Feb 5, 2019
What brand CBD are you using and dosing? I’ve been looking into it but having a hard time discerning what’s a good product and what is just good marketing.

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Dude, great question and exactly what I went through after hearing all the health benefits of it on so many different podcasts. I get mine from CBD Distillery. They recently sponsered Gordon Ryan who’s a jiu jitsu athlete and one of my idols so that’s what sealed the deal.. as well as them being featured in different newspapers, etc.

I do the 200mg vape pen. The bioavailability is increased when doing it that way. It makes me sleep like a baby and I’ve had no soreness related issues (I either do jiu jitsu or lift everyday of the week). Pretty amazing stuff.
Feb 5, 2019
What brand CBD are you using and dosing? I’ve been looking into it but having a hard time discerning what’s a good product and what is just good marketing.

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My father also uses the rub on version of it. It’s completely replaced the opiates he was rx’d after falling off a roof. That’s what made me a believer originally.


Feb 15, 2019
I second the massage gun. I went with the Hyperice Hypervolt as well. The guns are game changers. I've tested all of them extensively, the Theragun is the strongest out there, but its so loud. The Hypervolt is nearly as strong but quiet enough I can do it while watching TV with the wife and we can still both hear what we are watching. The price tag on the Hypervolt is also easier to swallow than the Theragun.

Also use a foam roller. This really helps loosen up my legs and hips. I too am stuck at a desk and in a car a lot, so I get tight. The gun certainly helps, but the combo of the foam roller, followed by the couch stretch is great! I recommend the TriggerPoint Grid foam roller. If you think you need an extra bump on the intensity of these, opt for the Grid X, it's a lot tougher (it's the one I use).


Jun 12, 2012
Piedmont, SD
I guess I don't really have any "recovery" issues. I don't do anything specific for recovery and don't ever feel that I need too.


Dec 27, 2013
Durango CO
Eating and sleeping are the only actual factors that contribute directly to recovery of inflamed, damaged, and stressed tissue. Other stuff such as foam rollers, yoga/stretching can make you feel better, and I use those things at times because they make me feel better and I potentially sleep better as a result of feeling better, so there’s some indirect benefits. Top of the list should always be sleep, more sleep and higher quality sleep.


Dec 20, 2018
N/E Kansas
I am not an expert but:
Thinking of things on a cellular level as in stressed muscle cells. These cells need things to rejuvenate so if you ingest those things it seems to me that rejuvenation would happen faster than without or less of those things. Then you have the bloodstream which carries nutrients to the cells and waste away...increase the blood flow to those individual cells and you have increased the amount of nutrients those cells get and the amount of waste that is taken away. Like I said I am not an expert but the things I stated seem obvious to me...proper sleep is also very important.


Sep 15, 2018
I have pancake-flat feet that give me a lot of tendon issues in my ankles and calves.

My understanding is that damaged tendons don't always heal with new fibers taking a correct, linear orientation. Sometimes they slap down every which way after an injury. This adhesion functionally shortens the tendon causing pain and immobility.

Learning to stretch helps a lot, but sometimes that's not enough. The silver bullet I found is Graston technique, or Gua Sha, or whatever you want to call it, where a medical professional takes a device that looks like the unholy love child of a spatula and brass knuckles, greases it up, and grinds the knots out of your soft tissues. It sounds brutal, but the first time I received a graston service, I limped into the appointment and walked out.

Sometimes I jack my legs up far away from a polite society (like after spending a couple weeks hiking North slope tundra). I found that taking a the edge of a wrench handle to my leg is just as effective.

Long story short, my secret recovery tool is a lubed-up 15mm chinesium wrench.

Please consult with your medical professional before you have a friend or loved one jam a wrench into your calf tissues in a remote location. But it works for me.