Recommendations for Shipping small amounts of meat to friends/family.

As above - make your own, but make damn sure meat is double or triple wrapped in plastic bags. Any leakage whatsoever and they've been known to throw out the entire box. Had a buddy lose an entire deer that way. He had the UPS employees crawling through a dumpster to get the rack back - still to this day not sure how he pulled that off....
Is there a way to find out if it will be an issue beforehand or are you just rolling the dice?

I’m trying to figure out if it’s better to vac pack, freeze, dry ice, or vac pack, fresh, and lots of gel ice…

If it was game meat I wouldn’t overthink it, but it will be fish in my case and I don’t love the idea of freezing knowing it will that and then be frozen again
The issues I’ve had involved inadequately trained shipping folks, not actual issues with regulations.