Received the Vaccine today...

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Nov 7, 2012
I promise that I do know how viruses work. Vaccines don’t stop viruses from mutating, but they prevent people from being infected, which reduces the number of cases, which reduces the opportunities for the virus to mutate.

Mutations are uncommon, but there is a chance of them happening with any given replication. Most of the mutations don’t make the virus more dangerous or able to bypass a vaccinated immune system, but some of them will. Let’s say a mutation occurs once in every million cases (totally making up numbers here) and a mutated strain has a 1 in 100 chance of being sufficiently different to be able infect someone who is immune to the original strain. So you have a 1:100,000,000 chance of a dangerous mutation occurring. The more people you vaccinate, the less likely that advantageous mutation will occur because you’re rolling that 100,000,000-sided dice fewer times
Do you believe all the reports from the medical world that there have been several mutations around the world already ?


Nov 7, 2012
Nearly 10% of Americans have allegedly tested positive for Covid thus far. That does not count the countless numbers of people who were infected and did not get tested. In the last 10 months no large gatherings, other than the protests in the cities, have been allowed. Most of the population, especially in densely populated areas with large outbreaks, have worn masks and stayed socially distanced. These have been the main guidelines of the “Medical Experts”. Yet we here of all the deaths and infections despite the “consistent guidelines “ given to us by the experts. So unfortunately I have to question the advice of the experts when the math doesn’t add up to me. My general philosophy of life is “if I have to be talked into an idea, it is probably a bad idea”. As of now, NO VACCINE for me.

PS. Go online and look at the highlights of all the politicians who deliberately break the rules of the guidelines. I’m confused why the people with the most direct contact to the medical experts are not following the experts advice to a tee. 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


WK Donkey
Classified Approved
May 16, 2020
So why are people that have been vaccinated still required to wear masks and avoid gatherings?
The CDC site says they still don't know if the vaccine is 100% effective at protecting you from getting Covid.
This vaccine is being tested in real time on the public which is crazy, I think this is why some of the posters here are reluctant to jump in line to be vaccinated.
If the people being vaccinated are so confident in its effectiveness why such hostility towards those that have a wait and see attitude? they should have nothing to fear.

An over abundance of caution and perhaps recognition that it would complicate enforcement of infection control measures.

The excess deaths are more than the total number of covid 19 related deaths. Also interesting that Influenza and Pneumonia make up almost 50% of COVID deaths - I guess flu season isnt a thing anymore.

The term is COVID pneumonia. It is a viral pneumonia caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. The rate of positive influenza tests as fallen through the floor. Normally around 14% of influenza tests come up positive. This year it is under 1%. So, yes, this year flu season is pretty much "not a thing, because the measures taken to control COVID have devistated other respiratory viruses, to include influenza. This gives an idea of how easily SARS-CoV-2 spreads.

The lack of influenza and RSV has certainly helped the healthcare system. It will be interesting to see what happens when COVID is under control and those viruses make a comeback as we will have had a year with few people building immunity. Gives me a little pause as my 4 month old has yet to catch anything. I wander what effect that will have on her immune system. I know I have not gotten the sniffles this year, which normally I get once a month working in the ED.
Nov 10, 2020
Do you believe all the reports from the medical world that there have been several mutations around the world already ?
I do, yes.

PS. Go online and look at the highlights of all the politicians who deliberately break the rules of the guidelines. I’m confused why the people with the most direct contact to the medical experts are not following the experts advice to a tee. 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
I would argue that infections have been so high despite the warnings of medical experts because we haven’t really followed the advice that well. We have whole threads on here of guys saying they don’t buy into the medical advice, and as you point out the politicians themselves are saying one thing and doing another.
Dec 6, 2020
Shenandoah Valley
Wife got her 2nd dose. For all those who are skeptical of side effects, my wife is the poster child of adverse effects: she carries an Epipen for idiopathic anaphylaxis (means she has severe life threatening allergic reactions at random for no known reason). She is also severely allergic to all antibiotics and most of your heavy pain meds.

her history: she had bone cancer when she was a teen. Thirty days of some of the more intense chemotherapy, and several rounds of some of the heaviest radiation they’ll administer. She wasn’t supposed to live or have kids but here we are, with two healthy kids conceived all natural.

we worried she’d react bad to the vaccine and she almost didn’t get it. but her oncologist that she keeps in touch with from her cancer days said it was worth the risk and she’d likely be ok.

My wife is fine after both doses of the vaccine.

I was nervous about getting the vaccine, but if my wife can do it no problem, few have an excuse not to... including myself.
Dec 6, 2020
Shenandoah Valley
I do, yes.

I would argue that infections have been so high despite the warnings of medical experts because we haven’t really followed the advice that well. We have whole threads on here of guys saying they don’t buy into the medical advice, and as you point out the politicians themselves are saying one thing and doing another.

anti Vaxxers and the people who don’t wear a mask in indoor public spaces are the same as people who would smoke in restaurants if allowed, and flick cigarette butts out their car window. They only think of themselves...
Dec 6, 2020
Shenandoah Valley
Nearly 10% of Americans have allegedly tested positive for Covid thus far. That does not count the countless numbers of people who were infected and did not get tested. In the last 10 months no large gatherings, other than the protests in the cities, have been allowed. Most of the population, especially in densely populated areas with large outbreaks, have worn masks and stayed socially distanced. These have been the main guidelines of the “Medical Experts”. Yet we here of all the deaths and infections despite the “consistent guidelines “ given to us by the experts. So unfortunately I have to question the advice of the experts when the math doesn’t add up to me. My general philosophy of life is “if I have to be talked into an idea, it is probably a bad idea”. As of now, NO VACCINE for me.

PS. Go online and look at the highlights of all the politicians who deliberately break the rules of the guidelines. I’m confused why the people with the most direct contact to the medical experts are not following the experts advice to a tee. 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

politicians are puppets and morons. That’s why they are hated. The medical experts tell them to do something but they think they are above the rules and just don’t care about anyone so they do what they want. Some practice what they preach cause the believe in what they are saying, some never care about anyone and just put on the show and do what they want behind scenes. It’s that simple.

who would you trust your health to, your doctor or your senator? Bet you doctor recommends the vaccine and a mask. And yes you want more than one opinion with health, but the majority of health opinion is clear: social distancing and masks help. Science is clear.

there are deaths and cases despite guidelines because people don’t follow them. College kids are one of the main spreaders. They party and hang with family when they are sick and the don’t get flu shots, it happens every flu season and every year universities see the same uptick for flu at the same time. Same is happening now with COVID-19.

What I don’t understand is why so many people struggle with this... it’s not rocket science.
Dec 6, 2020
Shenandoah Valley
Ya flu cases are near non-existent due to all the mask wearing and social distancing, but covid just keeps devastating us cause people won't wear masks and follow social distancing guidelines.


Flu symptoms show up faster than COVID symptoms and COVID is way easier to spread because of this. If you get flu like symptoms you are going to be quarantining (unless your a gigantic douche). Flu is not as contagious as COVID (still super contagious but not compared to COVID). With COVID, you can be spreading it without knowing you have it for two weeks. Virtually no one is asymptotic with the flu.

Remeber before COVID when people came to work sick and hung out with people when they were sick? Less people are doing that with the COVID restrictions and concerns. When you have the flu people will know your sick. So the people who have gotten flu are staying home and being better at keeping away from others.

its when you go to gathering in large groups inside without masks my or not being able to distance that it can spread COVID like wild fire unknowingly. That’s way this virus sucks - is because so many can be asymptomatic.

Look I’ve had four older relatives die from COVID because of the line of thinking that this ain’t real or a big deal or doctors don’t know what they are talking about. The problem is the asymptomatic nature of this virus is crazy. Again wear a mask to protect that poor old person or person with a health condition who comes across an asymptomatic carrier.


Apr 8, 2018
hmm.. no razzle dazzle intended.
i provided what i felt to be a thoughtful response, albeit a bit abstract.
the oblique broad-stroking was intentional as the request for elaboration was very vague. specifics beyond my general premise didn’t seem necessary given the lack of a specific question. we're touching on a complex topic that can't be summed up in a forum post.
i think a general sense of where i’m coming from has been established.
specific questions or comments will receive more specific responses.

specifically speaking.
If a post is vague and makes little sense, it is hard to ask for specifics. I erred on the side of giving you the choice of how to elaborate on your point in the hopes that you might have something interesting to say. Given your response is even more vague, I am left trying to decide if you are purely trolling as a real person, or a computer. But I'm not spending much time thinking about it.


WK Donkey
Classified Approved
May 16, 2020
Ya flu cases are near non-existent due to all the mask wearing and social distancing, but covid just keeps devastating us cause people won't wear masks and follow social distancing guidelines.

Actually, yes. SARS-CoV-2 spreads much easier than flu. There can be multiple reasons for this. If interested, a starting point is reading up on R0 values (pronounce R naught). Differing R0 values for diseases are well established. Though R0 is a moving target as it responds to interventions and social changes.


Nov 7, 2012
One more question. Who are the medical experts we should listen to? The infectious disease doctors that the politicians like and allow on TV and social media? Or the infectious disease experts that are kicked off every social media and television platform for saying the opposite of the vaccine agenda?
Nov 10, 2020
One more question. Who are the medical experts we should listen to? The infectious disease doctors that the politicians like and allow on TV and social media? Or the infectious disease experts that are kicked off every social media and television platform for saying the opposite of the vaccine agenda?
I would listen to whoever your actual medical provider is, they probably get their info from infectious disease experts they trust.

I would also caution that most of the doctors who claim to have been “silenced” for speaking the “truth” are charlatans who are trying to sell a book or something. That lady behind the whole “Plandemic” Youtube thing is a great example of that. If you have an infectious disease doc who wasn’t already widely discredited before the pandemic that’s arguing against what the majority of people in their field are saying, I’m all ears. But if 9 out of 10 MDs say one thing, I personally would go with the majority opinion Even though I would listen to what that 10th doc has to say


Sep 29, 2015
Craig, Alaska
The amount of common colds going around also has been greatly reduced. It’s really nice. Our school district now has a policy that if a kid has any symptom of anything they stay home for 14 days or until a negative COVID test is obtained. (We have been open all year). As a result parents can’t send sick kids to school anymore and the germ factory isn’t as potent.


Sep 29, 2012
Interesting and time will tell. Certainly encouraging, but that's about all that can be said at this point.

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Yes, nothing to use as the basis for policy but it a positive development nonetheless.
Nov 27, 2013
Family member, second round of positive with Corona. Once last August, again yesterday. Wondering if August test was garbage increase numbers type stuff. First round, confirmed test, A-Symptomatic. Second round, positive test, symptoms.

This stuff sucks!
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