-Kryptek Poseidon top and bottoms. Lightweight, reasonably durable, packs pretty well, and is a much less expensive option than some of the other brands, especially at the clearance prices I paid when the 2nd gen stuff came out.
-a set of flecktarn German milspec goretex rain gear. Fairly lightweight, nuclear bomb proof, and pretty loud. Haven't had an opportunity to whip it out yet.
-I also grabbed a set of the Browning rain slayer gear off of STP. I wasn't looking for it, but for the price they were asking I couldn't pass up. It's pretty light, has a nice stretch, and is well put together. It will chill out NWT with the rest of my gear until I have a rainy trip planned or I poke a hole in my Poseidons.
I’ll be hunting Ohio, Utah, New Mexico. As far as budget I want something decent but can’t do an the really high priced stuff so middle of the road I’d say.
Kuiu Ultra NX if the sizes are right for you, in their closeout section, Kryptek Posieden or Jupiter set, same waterproof/breathability ratings on the last 2. Ultra NX is better breathability and about 1 lb for the set. First lite Vapor stormlight on closeout at their website too.