Some are built for the drink, so I would never tell anyone not to, but I'm not built to drink.
I don't "drink" anymore but its still a struggle. I tried "treating" myself to 2 glasses of wine on anniversary dinner, which sounds great, always been a happy buzzed guy but a terrible drunk and the line is hard and fast between the two. So one glass leaves me figity, needing more, bored because the engine only got a little fuel then the tap turned off. The second glass has me warming up and starting to justify yet another glass, or moving on to whiskey, or God-forbid, tequilla.
So even now in my 50's i have to avoid that because it just gives me a reason. and in reality, even the times I've allowed myself, say 2 drinks, it doesn't even make me feel good anymore, tired and anxious, wanting to go to sleep or figure out what do to next. Fire up some shit. Old habits.
Only child from a broken home, introverted, shy, ADHD and started life with massive self esteem issues which all went away when I found booze and anti-social subculture. both fit like a glove. Drank to drunkedness Friday to Sunday night and several times during the week from about 13 until my early 30's. in hindsight EVERY SINGLE regrettable thing I've done in my life I've done while drunk.
Because when I drank to drunkedness there was no "that's enough" I just kept drinking until the drink was done with me.
Bar fights, street fights, verbally assaulting people that didn't deserve it, broken friendships and trying to burn the entire world down with my bare hands, destroy all college kids, destroy all tourists, destroy anyone having a good time. And the booze backed me up. Becoming a small-town "townie" to where the cops knew to come by me and my buddies house if something went sideways at a party somewhere local, just to check if we were home or not. Pointless chaos like deciding yes I will take on 4 guys with knives because they were younger than me and I can't let that slide, going up against guys so big that I would never win a fight with in a million years because at the end of the day it was all about self-destruction, I just didn't totally know it.
I drank to blackout almost every time I drank. I got so good that I could fool cops and even my own wife couldn't tell that I was very very drunk sometimes. I missed years of my life looking through the blurry lense of the booze and as my buddies started pulling back I didn't realize it. suddenly I was
"that guy" that friends and associates put up with and expected trouble. I'm extremely fortunate I had the friends that I did.
The shittiest part of this, when I say every-single regrettable thing I've done was whilst drunk, is that I can't even tell how many things I might have ****** up on if I just didn't find the booze. How much better I would have progressed, physically, mentally, emotionally. You can't get that time back, there are no real do-overs, you just have to do better going forward.
Then my Mom died 5 years ago, all by herself, very drunk apparently, fell down cracked her head, went to bed and never woke up again. I found the vodka bottle that took her there. So that was a pretty stark warning. I stopped drinking then because I know the feeling of all of life's problems drifting away as a chug down a bottle of cheap wine. and that quick fix option just leads to more pain and troubles.
So yes, everything is easier for me without the booze, even at elk camp. waking up, getting good sleep, staying hydrated, any headaches can't be attributed to the drink. It just eliminates a lot of variables that would have normally taken some of my energy. And the older I get, the more energy I need!!