Quitting Alcohol

Man, this post hits hard. Everything is 100% spot on. It reinforces everything I've come to learn and I couldn't have asked for a better time to read it.

This year was shaping up to be the best of the 33 years I've been on this planet, but several things recently took an abrupt turn in the opposite direction. I thought I knew what it was like to have life take a giant dump on me, but this is by far the worst mix of sadness, anxiety, fear, and uncertainty I've ever felt.

I came very close to picking up the bottle 2 weeks ago. I would have thrown away 6 years of clean time. Drinking would not have solved my problems. Drinking in times like these only make things worse, but I couldn't shake the thoughts of doing it because it seemed like the easy thing to do. It seemed like the easy fix. First time in 6 years I've had urges that I almost caved in to. I had to get back into some AA to get my head straight, and in a way this thread has been icing on the cake. The positivity in here is a huge help.

Thanks for reading, thanks for sharing. Mad respect to all of you who have quit and those who are taking the steps to moderate and/or put it down for good.

I wish there was a way for the post I quoted from RobertLosekamp to be seen by everyone who visits this thread. It's the truth. The dude straight up nailed it. Wise words.
Thanks man. Stay strong, we're all gonna make it and I'm proud of you.
Was opening day of archery season for me. Killed a buck on my first stalk of the season and got home we’ll before mid afternoon. In years past I would have been slamming beers and been hungover the next day.

Actually got to have lunch with the wife and kids. Then sat down with my son and started a euro mount. Hopefully we can save the velvet.

I’m so happy my kids not going to remember his dad slamming beers after hunting.
My friends and I are all moderating or stopping altogether. There are alot of good NA beers out there now: Athletic hazy iPa is my favorite. I have some regular but lower alcohol beers and some NA or seltzer waters. We still go to bluegrass festivals and hang out... just don't get blotto anymore... different reasons for everyone. It is good to have support and we are all around 50 yrs old and not looking for that level of partying anymore. Lots of folks going California sober, weed in its many forms and some psilocybin here and there.

Good luck and continued strength to those who need to limit or stop drinking altogether. Being strong and planting your foot isn't easy for everyone. Keep trying and get help if you need it.
California sober, hadn't heard that one 😆. Lots of that especially since being decriminalized.
I guess I'm lucky that I've never been addicted in the first place, but was no stranger to having multiple drinks for an occasion multiple times per week. Now, I'll typically have one drink per night, 4 nights/wk. Seldom 2 or 3, that would be in a social setting in the right circumstances. I don't remember the last time I had more than four, it's definitely been more than a year - closer to a year and a half at least.

7 years ago "four or more" would have been "last weekend." And in college, well, that's a different story as most of us can relate.

It is really interesting to think of back home, where I know several people who think nothing of finishing a 30-pack in a night with a friend and turn around and be totally "normal" the next day. You guessed it, WI.

My thing is that I legitimately like the taste - of beer and whiskey - just not the drunk effects that can happen with over-imbibing.

It was 3 years ago this last Father's day I self admitted to the hospital for some bad thoughts. They helped me, with meds, etc. and that was the beginning of an unplanned 6-month sobriety period that was not as hard as I thought. And my drinking wasn't even that extreme. I spoke to my dad about this (specifically the dry period) and he said, "That is great and I'm proud, I've never been able to do anything like that."

What I've found helps, if you still want to enjoy "a drink," is to drink something you enjoy the taste of, a lot, and might be a bit more on the expensive side. For me, that's a good rye or scotch. There are a few other things I do as well (I drink a lot of soda water, they're that good).
I guess I'm lucky that I've never been addicted in the first place, but was no stranger to having multiple drinks for an occasion multiple times per week. Now, I'll typically have one drink per night, 4 nights/wk. Seldom 2 or 3, that would be in a social setting in the right circumstances. I don't remember the last time I had more than four, it's definitely been more than a year - closer to a year and a half at least.

7 years ago "four or more" would have been "last weekend." And in college, well, that's a different story as most of us can relate.

It is really interesting to think of back home, where I know several people who think nothing of finishing a 30-pack in a night with a friend and turn around and be totally "normal" the next day. You guessed it, WI.

My thing is that I legitimately like the taste - of beer and whiskey - just not the drunk effects that can happen with over-imbibing.

It was 3 years ago this last Father's day I self admitted to the hospital for some bad thoughts. They helped me, with meds, etc. and that was the beginning of an unplanned 6-month sobriety period that was not as hard as I thought. And my drinking wasn't even that extreme. I spoke to my dad about this (specifically the dry period) and he said, "That is great and I'm proud, I've never been able to do anything like that."

What I've found helps, if you still want to enjoy "a drink," is to drink something you enjoy the taste of, a lot, and might be a bit more on the expensive side. For me, that's a good rye or scotch. There are a few other things I do as well (I drink a lot of soda water, they're that good).
I'm happy you made it to the hospital for help, and beyond stoked that your Dad said he's proud of you. For me, dad's approval has always meant a lot (for good or bad reasons idk, but that's how it is).

Bubly Raspberry is my jam and Athletic Brewing Company makes an excellent NA IPA and Golden Ale I recommend giving a try.
I'm happy you made it to the hospital for help, and beyond stoked that your Dad said he's proud of you. For me, dad's approval has always meant a lot (for good or bad reasons idk, but that's how it is).

Bubly Raspberry is my jam and Athletic Brewing Company makes an excellent NA IPA and Golden Ale I recommend giving a try.
I’ll have to, thanks.
I don't have an addictive bone in my body - and for that, I am thankful. As with most teens/college kids, I experimented with alcohol, cigs, and pot a few times late in high school and college, but I never developed the urge that "I have to have it". Definitely got totally blitzed many times in college, but it was typically about getting carried away in a social setting and ending up smashed before you realized it. It was never because I couldn't make myself stop. These days I'm lucky if I have 3-4 beers a month - usually when I go out to eat or one of my neighbors offers me one out of their garage fridge. I love a good cold beer, but not enough to just keep chugging them down. I can't imagine going to work every morning feeling like crap.
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Sierra Nevada’s hop water is pretty good too. I like the Athletics Lites too but miss the bitterness of some beers.
That hop water is good. Went to get some last night and it was gone.
Me and another member took Aug off from booze and I just want to stick with it. Sleep quality is a world better too.

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I read somewhere on here to "never drink your calories", and I've got fat kid genes so I stick to sparkling water when I need something more. Drank a 12 pk of La Croix Lemoncello at a rib cook-off last weekend, it was hot though so I'll blame it on the need to hydrate.

God help me if I didn't get enough tastes of beer and booze for the last 30+ years. I get why someone would drink NA beers and I'm all for anything that helps you stay off the real stuff, but I'm not spending the money for those calories (remember, fat kid genes here).

17 weeks sober and down 30 lbs.
Laying in bed last night I realized I passed my 32 year anniversary of quitting without even acknowledging it.
August 11 1991 .
I was at a friends wedding reception , had three sexy ladies flirting with me , but got drunk and left alone . Put my car in the ditch , flipped it two times and went through the windshield , ended up in the hospital and getting a DUI .
Judge sentenced me to a year in the county , but gave me 90 days work release and the remainder suspended pending probation .
The worst part was waking up but not knowing if I had hurt somebody else , it was a long time until a nurse came in the room and then she had to go ask , when she came back and said no , that it was just me , I started crying , I was so relieved .
It was a lot easier to quit after that . Looking back it's hard to believe I survived alcohol , but I share my story's to help anybody else that might be struggling . I carry guilt from this incident and countless others to this day . That's why I was so surprised to realize I missed the date , I guess .
If you have a problem , please quit , and keep quitting , until you get it right , you have to find what works for you and stick with it . If a dumbass like me can do it , you can too .
Just hit thirteen years without any alcohol. I didnt have a cutoff switch when I drank, I only drank on the weekends, but i would get way out of control. My wife and I were having difficulties trying to have children. I knew if I had a child I had no business drinking again. I told God I would never drink again. Shortly thereafter my wife was pregnant. I do not miss alcohol at all. I lost many drinking buddies and bad habits in the process and became a much better person overall.
I’ve done little 6 month stretches in the past, always seem to get derailed by a wedding or some other social event. I can say that I’m way happier, more productive and better rested when I not drinking. Usually takes about 2 weeks to see the benefits for me.
I can usually abstain for a while, but I know if I start I go hard and cant stop.
It's like my moderation part of my brain doesn't work, so I try to channel that into positive stuff.
My Own Chains

I’ll never forget, my first drink

The devil gave this child a choice, and I forged that link

Fourteen years of age, far to young to see

I had sold myself, into slavery

He never said it outright, what he sought to do

Simply opened up the door, for me to walk through

Laughing at my misery, joyful in my pain

Handing me the hammer as I forge, my own chains

Sold it as a freedom, said it’s your right to choose

Knew full well, all I stood to lose

Whispering into my ear, right until the end

Always with another option, presented as a friend

He never said it outright, what he sought to do

Simply opened up the door, for me to walk through

Laughing at my misery, joyful in my pain

Handing me the hammer as I forge, my own chains

I’ve built myself a good life, been sober nine long years

It took three tries and one divorce, to find my way here

Still I can’t afford to listen, when I hear his call

A single bad decision, one drink could end it all

He never said it outright, what he sought to do

Simply opened up the door, for me to walk through

Laughing at my misery, joyful in my pain

Handing me the hammer as I forge, my own chains

Nolan Kirkwood
My Own Chains

I’ll never forget, my first drink

The devil gave this child a choice, and I forged that link

Fourteen years of age, far to young to see

I had sold myself, into slavery

He never said it outright, what he sought to do

Simply opened up the door, for me to walk through

Laughing at my misery, joyful in my pain

Handing me the hammer as I forge, my own chains

Sold it as a freedom, said it’s your right to choose

Knew full well, all I stood to lose

Whispering into my ear, right until the end

Always with another option, presented as a friend

He never said it outright, what he sought to do

Simply opened up the door, for me to walk through

Laughing at my misery, joyful in my pain

Handing me the hammer as I forge, my own chains

I’ve built myself a good life, been sober nine long years

It took three tries and one divorce, to find my way here

Still I can’t afford to listen, when I hear his call

A single bad decision, one drink could end it all

He never said it outright, what he sought to do

Simply opened up the door, for me to walk through

Laughing at my misery, joyful in my pain

Handing me the hammer as I forge, my own chains

Nolan Kirkwood
Now… that is something to chew on. Quitting drinking is no joke. I remember my drinking buddies telling me that I didn’t have a drinking problem, I was in my young twenties, maybe 24ish, married with 3 kids, very immature and impressionable. Thankfully my dad told me otherwise, you see he had a brother who drank himself to death and he could see what was happening. Most of all I am grateful that God gave me the will to stop.
i think this thread is highlighting human behavior and our ability to self regulate. Everyone is different and that makes this thread unique for each individual.

I have not gone sober and don't plan on it just yet. I do have a number of health issues I'm addressing right now. I knew from my own observations that alcohol does kill your T levels and ability to perform. Last year I thought i might be having problems in the bedroom but this was after 2 weeks of fairly moderate drinking. I've cut my drinking back to weekends only and hitting the gym with high regularity. On top of that I've been on some supplements to fix and rebaseline my body. I might cut alcohol 100% for the month of October thru Thanksgiving.

Most of my self determination is a result of realizing I'm turning 40 soon and I wanna keep myself in tip top shape. I'm sure when I'm 70 i will probably be able to drink like a sailor and it not effect me but I'm 30 years out from that, so I want the next 30 years to be a bit easier.