A follow up to a previous post of mine...
I went to Las Vegas last weekend (Wed-Saturday) with some elementary and high school buddies. Some of them I haven't seen in 20yrs!
I made it through without having a drop of alcohol and though, at times I felt like giving in; I stayed the course.
Here's some observations:
1. Alcohol is EVERYWHERE and fuels that city. From a bloody mary or red beer in the morning to free beer while gambling, to fruity drinks during pool time, to drinks at dinner, to late night shots and partying at the clubs. It's insane how ingrained booze is in every aspect of your day/night.
2. While others were drinking, it really helped to have some type of drink in my hand. I didn't feel so out of place.
3. Bartenders definitely give you a weird glance when asking for an arnold palmer or pepsi! LOL
4. There really is something about the air in those casinos. Typically, I'm an early riser and in bed by 10:30-11p at the very latest. I somehow was able to stay up with everyone until 2a-3a.
5. Watching my friends go from sober to absolutely obliterated, I could almost feel the gluttony of so many drinks and vividly remember the impending hangover coming the next day. That was probably the biggest moment where it solidified why I quit.
6. Looking back, I don't know if I could truly say it was just as fun being sober than not. I did miss the bond that is created when you're drinking with close friends. It's undeniable to me that I felt like an outsider, even though none of them cared. But staying on the course of sobriety, not every day is going to be sunshine and rainbows. Overall, I'm happy where I'm at and excited to continue down this road.