Yes, that post and reference to 80ftlb of energy is for a bow setup. The 6mm diameter is in reference to the approximate diameter of an arrow. And, yes, that is correct - the cutting diameter is generally around an inch, sometimes less, sometimes more. Field points are not recommended or legal. An arrow properly placed in the vitals, elk will die. Bows are different than rifles. And kinetic energy matters little for either one.
That post was simply a reading comprehension check.
@dieselchessy passed. Nice work!
These types of threads often devolve into tone-deaf back-and-forth bickering sessions. In less than twenty posts for this particular thread the back and forth of multiple “
you” and “
I” started.
From observation, once a thread turns the corner and heads down the back and forth bickerings of
"can you show me" - "I never said" - "your idea" - "where did I claim" - "you are" - "I didn't say" - "tell me" - "you are wrong" - "if you think" - - - it just turns into a dumpster fire, heading down the ultimate path of being locked. Wonder how many posts that will take for this thread?
#4 on this thread had six versions of "you" (your/you're/you) in the post.
#29 on this thread had three "you" and one "your" in one sentence. Remarkable!
#34 had twenty-four versions of "you" in one post! Outstanding!
"Arguing by saying 'you'" means using a tactic in an argument where one constantly deflects blame or criticism back onto the other person by saying "you did this" or "you made me feel this way," essentially avoiding taking responsibility for their own actions or perspective, and instead focusing on the other person's perceived faults.
Key points about this argument style:
- Defensive posture:
It often comes from a defensive mindset where someone feels attacked and immediately counters with accusations against the other person, rather than addressing the issue at hand.
- Shifting blame:
The core mechanism is to shift the focus of the argument away from oneself and onto the other person, even if it means distorting the situation or taking things out of context.
- Lack of accountability:
By constantly saying "you" and not acknowledging one's own role in the situation, it can prevent productive conversation and resolution.
- Situation: "You never listen to me when I try to talk about my problems."
- "You" argument response: "Well, you always interrupt me when I'm trying to explain myself!"