Questions about the irrelevance of energy (ft-lbs)

So, to bring this back full would you "energy is useless" folks respond to the claim that it's better to not have a bullet pass through because you don't want to waste energy on the dirt behind the animal, you want a full energy dump in the animal, etc.? make this more practical, and less your experience, does a bullet that remains in the animal incapacitate/kill faster than one that exits. Forget whether it has anything to do with energy or not. Regardless of the cause/why, does a bullet that doesn't exit usually kill better/faster?

The idea is make a rifle shootable and kill.

Fudd energy doesn’t give you that.

And, if you minimize recoil a small fragmenting bullet might not exit, and, who cares if it does? It is going to create massive trauma.

Energy and exit only come into the conversation in the context of responses to Fudds.

When you know a small fragmenting bullet will kill, the energy number is irrelevant and don’t whether you get a pass through.

They aren’t contradictory. They are harmonious.
I'm looking forward to getting some real-world experience with these theories this fall and hopefully adding a few photos to the .243/6mm thread. Will be trying these out in my new Tikka .243 soon. SM rings arrived today, so will be putting the scope on and doing some factory load testing soon...


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I also get a laugh when anti-energy folks claim large cartridges with double bullet weight at the same velocity are bad, but shooting animals twice is normal (double the energy imparted into the animal).

When I first showed up it was fun to equate 223 energy at long range to the 22 hornet 400 yards closer. Guys flipped out, said bla, bla, bla, and then it sunk in for some folks how ridiculously anemic this combination is. It’s not the mastodon killer many would like you to believe. A good source of proof most small caliber guys don’t fully buy into it is the sheer number of cartridges larger than 223 that are shot.

I’m also getting a kick out of many of the 223 crowd gravitating to heavy bullets in 6mm, and now 25 caliber rounds. Those who kicked and screamed about energy not making a difference are shooting much more energy, but now it’s ok. *chuckle*
Show me the post you had people flipping out over 22 hornet velocities. Sounds fun to read through.
I'm looking forward to getting some real-world experience with these theories this fall and hopefully adding a few photos to the .243/6mm thread. Will be trying these out in my new Tikka .243 soon. SM rings arrived today, so will be putting the scope on and doing some factory load testing soon...
Those ELDx are gonna hammer at 243 velocities. Slip it behind the shoulder for a double lung. Nothing can go far after that.
Fudd energy doesn’t give you that.

And, if you minimize recoil a small fragmenting bullet might not exit, and, who cares if it does? It is going to create massive trauma.

Energy and exit only come into the conversation in the context of responses to Fudds.
You guys should really go a little easier on the Fudds. Some of the best people I know and all of the best deer hunters I know are Fudds to the core. Until I stumbled across this website a couple of months ago, I was one, and I guess I still am. But I'll be carrying a Tikka .243 with a Trijicon loaded with NBTs/ELD-Xs this fall. So, with a little can teach an old dog new tricks. ;)
This one stuck out to me.
I assume your talking a 6mm arrow with 80 ftlb energy.
Im thinking no one shoots a 6mm arrow at an elk with a field point, so its not really a 6mm projectile.
Not that it wouldn't kill an elk.
Yes, that post and reference to 80ftlb of energy is for a bow setup. The 6mm diameter is in reference to the approximate diameter of an arrow. And, yes, that is correct - the cutting diameter is generally around an inch, sometimes less, sometimes more. Field points are not recommended or legal. An arrow properly placed in the vitals, elk will die. Bows are different than rifles. And kinetic energy matters little for either one.

That post was simply a reading comprehension check. @dieselchessy passed. Nice work!

These types of threads often devolve into tone-deaf back-and-forth bickering sessions. In less than twenty posts for this particular thread the back and forth of multiple “you” and “I” started.

From observation, once a thread turns the corner and heads down the back and forth bickerings of "can you show me" - "I never said" - "your idea" - "where did I claim" - "you are" - "I didn't say" - "tell me" - "you are wrong" - "if you think" - - - it just turns into a dumpster fire, heading down the ultimate path of being locked. Wonder how many posts that will take for this thread?

Post #4 on this thread had six versions of "you" (your/you're/you) in the post.
Post #29 on this thread had three "you" and one "your" in one sentence. Remarkable!
Post #34 had twenty-four versions of "you" in one post! Outstanding!

"Arguing by saying 'you'" means using a tactic in an argument where one constantly deflects blame or criticism back onto the other person by saying "you did this" or "you made me feel this way," essentially avoiding taking responsibility for their own actions or perspective, and instead focusing on the other person's perceived faults.
Key points about this argument style:

  • Defensive posture:
    It often comes from a defensive mindset where someone feels attacked and immediately counters with accusations against the other person, rather than addressing the issue at hand.
  • Shifting blame:
    The core mechanism is to shift the focus of the argument away from oneself and onto the other person, even if it means distorting the situation or taking things out of context.
  • Lack of accountability:
    By constantly saying "you" and not acknowledging one's own role in the situation, it can prevent productive conversation and resolution.

  • Situation: "You never listen to me when I try to talk about my problems."
  • "You" argument response: "Well, you always interrupt me when I'm trying to explain myself!"