So, to bring this back full would you "energy is useless" folks respond to the claim that it's better to not have a bullet pass through because you don't want to waste energy on the dirt behind the animal, you want a full energy dump in the animal, etc.? make this more practical, and less your experience, does a bullet that remains in the animal incapacitate/kill faster than one that exits. Forget whether it has anything to do with energy or not. Regardless of the cause/why, does a bullet that doesn't exit usually kill better/faster?
The idea is make a rifle shootable and kill.
Fudd energy doesn’t give you that.
And, if you minimize recoil a small fragmenting bullet might not exit, and, who cares if it does? It is going to create massive trauma.
Energy and exit only come into the conversation in the context of responses to Fudds.
When you know a small fragmenting bullet will kill, the energy number is irrelevant and don’t whether you get a pass through.
They aren’t contradictory. They are harmonious.