The low hanging fruit is so easy to poke fun at, I can’t resist from time to time. As long as someone has fully thought through their position based on real world factors, I wouldn’t want anyone to change their mind. It’s fun having so many minimalists all in one place. As minimalists in many hobbies discover, it’s not always easy being on the edge of effectiveness. You fellers spend a lot of time convincing each other of this bullet or that, showing off bullet holes and blood shot shoulders - it’s apparently a lot of work being efficient.
I love talking about a fast twist Hornet, or the identical capacity 5.7x28, when talk about the 223 being a hammer at 700 yards comes up. Even you don’t want to believe these pipsqueaks are 400 yards behind the 223 in velocity. That should make them ideal 300 yard rifles. lol
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Can you please provide an example of someone claiming that a .223 is a hammer at 700 yards? I haven't ever seen that claimed. You refer to "fully thought through position based on real world factors", then refer to "every time" something comes up that I literally cannot recall ever seeing once.
Also, it's been explained to you many times, if you set up a hornet to shoot 77's, and it actually did run them at adequate MV to retain 1800 fps at your desired max range, we'd roll our eyes at the effort and expense it took to do it but agree that it would work. But you won't, because it's a stupid exercise with large expense and hassle for no benefit. Again, fully thought through position based on real world factors. Can you show any examples at all of a hornet or similar being set up to shoot the bullets that we're talking about? If no, then why keep trotting it out?
And if turnabout is fair play, I'm curious as to why you don't think a man can kill animals with the guns that women and children use successfully.