Question for the pig hunters of the night


Apr 27, 2012
Queensland, Downunder
I've got a point on a travel route between feeding and bedding areas where pigs are travelling back and forth.

By midnight they have travelled past and by day break that have travelled back again.

They come from the west to the east and back again. The wind is a good constant easterly so that dictates that I get into stand at about 2am after they have finished moving past the stand from the bedding area. Plan is to be ready for them as they move back to bed with wind in my face.

Now since this is a stand over a travel route at a fence crossing and I don't expect them to stop should I put a small amount of corn on the trail to make them stop long enough for a shot?

I also don't know what to expect when I shine a light on them. I have a red LED light on my recurve bow that I can adjust intensity on.

I'm set up for my tree saddle with a 5 yard shot to the trail.
They are constantly feeding at night. I’d begin to add corn as often as you can. If using mounted light lower it super slowly on top of them. Don’t suddenly just turn it on. Good luck!