Punk my list please!

Switch out the Grizz for Copenhagen and yer good to go.

Haha, i was on cope for years. We were heading up through Fairbanks on a sheep hunt and i needed more cope, so we stopped in a freddys to get some, but they didnt have any. I ended up getting 10 more cans of grizz and i guess i aquired that taste. Not such a bad deal considering i get it for $1.67 a can, the flavor last longer too! haha

As far as the blade changing goes... yes, i have changed them plenty of times and while a leatherman makes it easier, i have since figured out if i snap the blade at the lock it comes right off easy.

The string and cable set is another thing. I have taken them and the tools in the past, but this year i am just taking a spare bow with sight and rest thats dialed in. I can swap my stab and quiver right over and be ready to go. I'll be leaving it at my "cache point/base camp".

I do agree the whole coldfront set is more than likely an overkill for that time of year, however, i have seen the mountains change and get cold and wet. I could definitely save some weight by getting a pair of chugach pants instead of the coldfronts, but at this point i feel that its economically smarter to tote the extra weight and use what i have. I may end up changing them out. i may also ditch my traverse bottoms since i have the coldfronts if it gets chilly. hmmm...

The jacket on the other hand is staying. it's by far my favorite jacket of all time to this date. it will take anything i can throw at it. its around the same weight as the rest of the softshell jackets, so thats a wash. I personally dont find packing it a problem. no, it doesnt pack as small as my guide jacket, butttt it does pack smaller than a guide jacket and a chugach jacket tho. ;) on another note, i not a fan being cold and wet.
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I've personally stopped taking a water filter and just use aqua mira tablets. Felt like I was wasting too much time pumping water. I might change my mind if my main water sources were mucky or used heavily by cattle. It isn't fun trying to strain water through a bandanna or the like and treating/drinking 'brown' water... Otherwise, bringing both water tablets and a filter seem repetitive.

I bring a water tote so I can make a water run down to a spring and then be set for a few days. But if water is easy right by where you hunt then no need. A 3 l bladder would have me filtering every day.

Do you go commando???

I bring an extra pair of socks and skivvies so I can swap out and wash.

You don't use trekking pokes? If you do then wrap your tape (gorilla tape) around the shaft right below the handle. I wrap electrical on one and gorilla on the other. The stretch of electrical tape is handy for some applications.

Superglue is often very handy. Good for ingrown toe nails, holding cuts closed, fixing broken water filter housings, ect... And very light. Maybe cache it.

Leopoldo's tripod is heavy.

I bring a small section of a z rest to sit on at camp and while glassing. Keeps your rear warm on frosty mornings waiting for first light.
I have a hard time imagining a scenario where I would need the spindrift jacket and coldfront jacket along with the other upper layers in September. Personally I use the Sitka Ascent jacket as my do it all layer along with the Kuiu Chugach jacket in place of your coldfront. With my full set of merino base layers, ascent jacket, MH Compressor jacket, and Chugach jacket I will be every bit as warm or warmer than the Coldfront and likely dryer as well. The thing I would be more worried about is being too hot and sweating up the coldfront jacket then having the temp drop and put the hurt on you. The coldfront to me is a stand hunting jacket and puts way to much insulation into one layer. For me it's all in the layers and having options to fine tune my comfort on the fly!
Chesapeak; We should have water close, but between my Dromedary and camelbak i should be ok for 1-2 days. I think ill pack some merino skivvies this year as well. No trekking poles anymore, but i do have some tape wrapped around other items. Superglue is in my survival kit. That leupold tripod is right about 35oz. pretty much par for that course id say.

Thru-hunter; Have you worn a coldfront? The coldfront jacket is just a waterproof softshell. it isnt thick or that warm really. it has pitzips and all that. i really dont see a difference between packing a chugach type jacket and a softshell or just taking the coldfront. to each their own tho ;)
Admittedly it has been a couple years since I looked at the Coldfront and after taking a look at it online they seem to have made some pretty major updates. The old one was more like the original sitka 90% with a heavy liner. Looks like you have a good plan.
I have heard good things about the ASAT packable rainwear, and they only weigh 1 lb. If you aren't busting brush I would swap that out for rainwear/outer layer or at least look into it.

Also ditch the leatherman at your cache and just pack your havalon. If you do want to leave the bone in, you can easily cut the joints with a havalon. We did 3 deer and an elk this year with two havalons and every one we cut the lower legs off at the joint with our havalons. You can NOT twist these blades, but if you have successfully cut a joint before, it is quite easy to get the hang of. So I wouldn't bring a saw as somebody else suggested.

Other than that you look pretty solid! I'm jealous of some of the gear....

We are getting packed in and i'd hate to need a leatherman for something and not have it at my cache point haha. i think i might even take a folding camping chair!

I've been threatening to look at those squeeze filters! Id like to try one for sure.

Edit, i just ordered a sawyer inline...
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"I've never used Chapstick really. Hate the feeling of it anytime I've tried it."

You've never had chapped lips while hiking in the sun all day? Heck, I'd leave my bow at home before I went out there without some chapstick.. LOL

I never used to wear sunglasses and rarely used chapstick until about two years ago, now I can't go anywhere without them.
Where's the hip flask filled with bourbon to celebrate? Also, maybe a small container (an ounce or so) of sunscreen if you're particularly fair skinned and prone to sunburn.
I may throw a tube of chapstick in for the just in case factor. I dont think the horse will mind ;). Ive never had chapped lips and im alwayssss outside and in the sun. Im sure ill tote a lil bottle of a lil somethin somethin for the celebration!