^This. I have been very picky on coat qualities for my two PPs, and thankfully, Bob Farris has been accommodating for me on that. It took a few years for the right combo of characteristics to come together for me to take my most recent pup. The harsher the coat is, the fewer issues you'll have with burrs and snow ball buildup in their coat. Flat coats are better at this than one with a bit of curl or frizz. Shorter length also helps, but harshness is king.
My 6 yr old has a great, harsh coat that is very flat. So even though by the end of winter her coat grows out to 4-5" on her spine and 3-4" everywhere else, she rarely has issues with burrs (in AK or L48) or snow build up. My 9 month old is not quite as harsh (time will tell on how that matures), but it is just as flat and I doubt that it will get longer than 2-3" on her spine and 1-2" everywhere else. So far burrs haven't been an issue (but admittedly we don't have a big problem with that in AK, and she hasn't been to the L48 since she came home) and we'll see how she does this winter with snow-but so far, it's been very good. Lots of the dogs we hunt with (PP, DD, GWP, WPG, LM, SM, Brittany) have to end their winter hunts early due to snow balling in the coat.