Longer .223 Tikka mag option

So I ended up ordering two Ascension mags. Production was a bit slow for Adam, so he sent me a third for free.

Unfortunately, using a KRG Echo, they do not work. I had a positive and lengthy discussion with Adam. Adam is considering purchasing an Echo for his own use and mag development in future. Adam did offer me a full refund since these didn’t work out for me. I’m contemplating if I want to take him up on that offer. Needless to say, fantastic customer service.

The problem the mags have in the chassis is they don’t fully seat on the connection at the rear of the magazine and the mag well. This causes the mag to shift down on the rear of the mag leaving the case too low to be picked up by the bolt. The mag just doesn’t fit as snug as the factory mag, which has zero issues with the Echo.

Here is the mag fully inserted.

Here is the mag after you cycle the bolt with a round fed into the chamber.

Here is a factory mag for reference.

Here is a temporary fix that does work to utilize the magazine. Not ideal, but I can do load development and utilize this mag until I find an extended COAL option that does work with the stock, or Adam gets one and makes an Echo version.

I could take my barreled action out of the chassis and go back to the Tikka stock, but that feels like a step backward to me and where I want to go with the rifle.

I emailed ND Shooting supplies, and they claim their 10 round mag will work with the Echo chassis. This will probably be my next try at the Waters mags are crazy expensive (not worth it IMO).