Protect the Ruby Mountains


Apr 25, 2020
The BLM is taking public comments to withdraw from extraction 264,000 acres in the Ruby Mountains - Nevada. Please take action by becoming a member and/or donate but do contact BHA to get your comment in! Take action! Or get your favorite organization to support this effort. The deadline to get the public comments in to the BLM is March 31st:

“Backcountry Hunters & Anglers believes that there are places for responsible oil, gas and mineral development. But there are also places that are simply too special – and where development would cause irreparable harm to irreplaceable landscapes.

Nevada’s Ruby Mountains are one of the latter, and we need the help of Public Land Owners® like you to ensure they remain wild and free for us and future generations.

Take action alongside BHA to help secure a 20-year mineral withdrawal for the Ruby Mountains.

The Bureau of Land Management is accepting public comments through March 31. Be heard today.

Your Friends in Conservation,

– Team BHA”
This is an academic argument anyway. The oil and gas potential of a metamorphic core complex is basically zero. In other words, there was never going to be any widespread O&G development of the Rubies anyway. This is just the BLM/USFS etc. throwing low hanging fruit to the groups like BHA, center for biological diversity et al. so they can look good to their constituency, knowing full well there isn’t going to be a real fight put up against it from big oil anyway.
They bought into the dark money ads that labeled BHA as a green decoy. They're sheep and will believe anything that dark money tells them but complain that anything that says otherwise is dark money. As much as people are going to get pissed I said it, I said it and I'll stand on it.
Dark money?
So should we have a moratorium on oil and gas in everyone's favorite recreating area ? Or maybe I don't want it anywhere in the us so let's import it from Venezuela or China. Oh wait that sounds like a crappy plan too

I can assure you that no, your high mountain lakes are not going to be subjected to exploration or otherwise the dollars just simply dont make sense. however if there is a viable resource within reasonable accessibility on Federal Land that can benefit all us taxpayers, ya it's the responsibility of our government to allow it . And charge for the privilege of extraction and to ensure no undue harm comes to the land held I the trust of the American public.

I'm honestly not sure anyone at BHA actually knows how the world works . They are fools like the sierra club and the "humane society " fancy words to impress sheep ... carry on
What is everybodies aversion to BHA? Im assuming its political?
Yes. They were a 100% political organization for years. Recent change in leadership means its wait and see. But it was years and years of politically corrupt dealing at the expense of hunters and public land users so they could push their politics. Dozens of examples.

They bought into the dark money ads that labeled BHA as a green decoy. They're sheep and will believe anything that dark money tells them but complain that anything that says otherwise is dark money.
Gaslighting and denial does not change the way people feel. There is a reason backed by facts and evidence for the way people feel.
What is everybodies aversion to BHA? Im assuming its political?
I got booted from commenting on BHA's site when they started the "cows kill grouse" campaign to stop grazing.

I pointed out that their propaganda photo was literally cows and sage grouse cohabitating.

They quickly changed the add and I was blocked. They became dead to me at that point.
So should we have a moratorium on oil and gas in everyone's favorite recreating area ? Or maybe I don't want it anywhere in the us so let's import it from Venezuela or China. Oh wait that sounds like a crappy plan too

I can assure you that no, your high mountain lakes are not going to be subjected to exploration or otherwise the dollars just simply dont make sense. however if there is a viable resource within reasonable accessibility on Federal Land that can benefit all us taxpayers, ya it's the responsibility of our government to allow it . And charge for the privilege of extraction and to ensure no undue harm comes to the land held I the trust of the American public.

I'm honestly not sure anyone at BHA actually knows how the world works . They are fools like the sierra club and the "humane society " fancy words to impress sheep ... carry on
Quoted for emphasis. Read that again.
Astroturf organizations are one of the more potent tools used to sucker voters - I don't know anything about BHA, but if I were a leftist and wanted to attract hippie fishermen and lull actual hunters into a sense of security while I pushed my Gaia-first agenda, Backcountry Hunters & Anglers is a perfect name. Always, ALWAYS, follow the money and the personnel, and look at what they actually do.

This may have nothing to do with Oil and Gas, but there are a number of big, successful gold mines in that area around Elko, and any kind of Gaia-first victory will attract more dark money from Gaia-first donors.
The Ruby Mountains are nice and shouldn’t turn into an oil patch, but the odds are very low that any substantial new drilling will happen anywhere in the US - the price of oil is too low. “Drill baby drill,” was looney toons misinformation from day one. How many new oil patches are setting up for major business as we speak. None.

Don’t be soft in the head and let politicians feed you disinformation and get away with it. Look into issues beyond the headlines for yourselves. If there are no new oilfield workers, it’s kind of a nothing burger when someone says the oil patch is booming.
