The BLM is taking public comments to withdraw from extraction 264,000 acres in the Ruby Mountains - Nevada. Please take action by becoming a member and/or donate but do contact BHA to get your comment in! Take action! Or get your favorite organization to support this effort. The deadline to get the public comments in to the BLM is March 31st:
“Backcountry Hunters & Anglers believes that there are places for responsible oil, gas and mineral development. But there are also places that are simply too special – and where development would cause irreparable harm to irreplaceable landscapes.
Nevada’s Ruby Mountains are one of the latter, and we need the help of Public Land Owners® like you to ensure they remain wild and free for us and future generations.
Take action alongside BHA to help secure a 20-year mineral withdrawal for the Ruby Mountains.
The Bureau of Land Management is accepting public comments through March 31. Be heard today.
Your Friends in Conservation,
– Team BHA”
“Backcountry Hunters & Anglers believes that there are places for responsible oil, gas and mineral development. But there are also places that are simply too special – and where development would cause irreparable harm to irreplaceable landscapes.
Nevada’s Ruby Mountains are one of the latter, and we need the help of Public Land Owners® like you to ensure they remain wild and free for us and future generations.
Take action alongside BHA to help secure a 20-year mineral withdrawal for the Ruby Mountains.
The Bureau of Land Management is accepting public comments through March 31. Be heard today.
Your Friends in Conservation,
– Team BHA”