Proposed Deer plan for Central Idaho(not official)

For everyone who advocates for a shorter season, how will that change anything for the better?

Just my opinion, though I’m sure the data exist to back it up, but a shortened season won’t affect the overall harvest rate. I do think it will lead to an increase in the types of behavior outlined in this thread. If anything we need longer seasons so people don’t feel pressured to “get my buck” and shoot the smallest deer they see.
Yes, they just only care about CWD. If you're not hunting an area that borders a CWD state or a unit that has produced a positive sample, you won't see them.

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Just so everyone knows, if you observe illegal behavior by hunters, you can report it to the local sheriffs office. I’ve been checked by a sheriff before when hunting a wma, they are law enforcement and they can and will enforce the laws.
Well, if you all come across either a fish and game officer, or a sheriff be sure to let them know that if the person who abandoned their archery blind on a remote water hole since sometime mid/late August - for some reason wants to reclaim it- get in touch with me because I can direct them to where they can get it.

However, I suspect they might not appreciate getting the cigarette butts and Modelo bottle caps that were left in it shoved up their ass when they come to claim it. So there’s that.

It was down the road that had the Keystone light can on it and the prime coyote that had been shot within the last 24/48 hours and left on the side of the road.

Think it’s different in units 48/49, etc? Less tags equals less douchey behavior. It’s a simple equation really.
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Well, if you all come across either a fish and game officer, or a sheriff be sure to let them know that if the person who abandoned their archery blind on a remote water hole since sometime mid/late August - for some reason wants to reclaim it- get in touch with me because I can direct them to where they can get it.

However, I suspect they might not appreciate getting the cigarette butts and Modelo bottle caps shoved up their ass when they come to claim it. So there’s that.

It was down the road that had the Keystone light can on it and the prime coyote that had been shot within the last 24/48 hours and left on the side of the road.

Think it’s different in units 48/49, etc? Less tags equals less douchey behavior. It’s a simple equation really.
call fish and game and give them the gps coordinates. I’ve done it before on an illegal no hunting sign, its a painless process.

@IdahoElk sorry for the derailment, thanks for sharing the info, glad to see proactive steps being taken even if I don’t agree with it.
For everyone who advocates for a shorter season, how will that change anything for the better?

Just my opinion, though I’m sure the data exist to back it up, but a shortened season won’t affect the overall harvest rate. I do think it will lead to an increase in the types of behavior outlined in this thread. If anything we need longer seasons so people don’t feel pressured to “get my buck” and shoot the smallest deer they see.
I think it’s truly hard to see what impact it might have. It might me other surrounding areas get hit harder, it might me way more pressure in a shorter time period meaning those hunting have a worse overall experience, it might mean more bucks live and it could mean more small bucks get shot by people hurrying to get a deer

People that post here, and other message boards, are a tiny subset of overall hunters. It’s basically an impossible job to get much input from hunters and any sort of agreement from hunters. I’ve already seen people complaining online at how awful it is that they can’t attend this weeks commission meeting because it’s during deer season. Hard for me to take someone seriously online complaining if they can’t miss even a partial day of a 2 month season to go talk about issues
I think it’s truly hard to see what impact it might have. It might me other surrounding areas get hit harder, it might me way more pressure in a shorter time period meaning those hunting have a worse overall experience, it might mean more bucks live and it could mean more small bucks get shot by people hurrying to get a deer

People that post here, and other message boards, are a tiny subset of overall hunters. It’s basically an impossible job to get much input from hunters and any sort of agreement from hunters. I’ve already seen people complaining online at how awful it is that they can’t attend this weeks commission meeting because it’s during deer season. Hard for me to take someone seriously online complaining if they can’t miss even a partial day of a 2 month season to go talk about issues
I looked at the agenda and it looks like it would be informative on how the state manages deer. If I lived anywhere near Lewiston I would try and go, hopefully they record sections of it and make it publicly available.

Here is the link for anyone that is interested.
You should indeed go. In fact go to several years in a row.

That will do wonders to form your opinions on how our commissioners take feedback and adjust to accommodate us sportsmen and women. Or not as it were.

While the petition is nice, it will be absolutely, positively, and unequivocally - ignored.

Thanks for playing, back to your regularly scheduled programming of maximum tag revenue, invasive budget padding, minimal enforcement resulting in more retards driving around looking to jump something in their vehicle so they can shoot it out their window and take a photo of it to post on FaceF$&@ and Instagram.

Or maybe an odd adventure ‘hunter’ who gets out and lays one across the hood or tailgate.

It really is funny watching some of you all act like I’m talking about it like it’s this rare and unusual instances of poor Hunter behavior.

It’s endemic and if you deny it you’re either one of them, or you’re just not afield enough to have an informed perspective.
It’s endemic and if you deny it you’re either one of them, or you’re just not afield enough to have an informed peperspective.
You keep saying this over and over. Have you considered the fact that some people haven't had the same experiences as you have? Plenty of guys spend a ton of time in the mountains and haven't had anywhere near the negative experiences you have.

Pull your head out and quit labeling people you don't even know. Your accusations and negativity are getting really old and accomplishing nothing.
You should indeed go. In fact go to several years in a row.

That will do wonders to form your opinions on how our commissioners take feedback and adjust to accommodate us sportsmen and women. Or not as it were.
Sorry Edward Abbey, bossman won’t give me the day off. Luckily open meeting laws allow us to see the meeting minutes.
I really got on here to post once, regarding the OnX Hypocrisy. I find it being shut down, equally hypocritical. This thread equally strikes a nerve as the petition relates to a part of the state I have cherished for years, while simultaneously watched it get wrecked.

I find that most people on here don’t see it the way I do. I am beginning to feel more and more in line with the user @HuntQuietly after not wanting to believe this was the case for years.

This petition is undoubtedly largely the result of poor hunter behavior. I have spent a good decade hunting in the aforementioned units. While reported hunter numbers have risen and fallen, there is undoubtedly a rise in piss poor hunter behavior.

I’ve had guys set up antelope blinds 20 yards from mine on the same waterhole- intending to hunt next to me.

With each year passing, there is more and more illegal and brazen OHV use. See trailcam photos of these dudes 10+ miles in where you’re not even supposed to ride a mountain bike. There are new ATV trails up the faces of mountains. The rules in 2/3 of the units in the petition are a joke when it comes to what is and isn’t allowed for motorized use. It is impossible to enforce.

In one of these units, in the “backcountry”, we started to have a group of guys breathing down our necks as they tries to move in on our campsite. They were literally setting up while we took down. This is the same group of guys who told us earlier in the season they would find a different part of the unit to hunt if we would be in there. Next time, I’m not going to be so polite.

After drawing a bull tag in one of these units (that I’ve put in for almost 10 years for) I went in with high hopes. I left after 24 hours to avoid an almost inevitable AVB like shitshow.

So the unreliable data shows hunter numbers have waxed and waned in these units, the debachary is at all time highs. I probably done with OTC mule deer hunting and feel that a favorite pastime has been robbed from me.

Our game department is doing everything they can to maximize license and tag sales but hasn’t increased the size of the CO force in over 30 years. Lifetime muledeer hunting gods *Cough*Robby Denning *Cough!* are getting warnings for shooting animals out of the window of their truck because they “got it mixed up with the rules for watercraft” 🙄. I watch as all the window lickers on this forum say “you’re such a decent guy”, “I lick the ground you walk on” but can’t even see the BS for what it is.

Until we get some real enforcement out here, it’s time to spread hunters out. No more deer hunting August-December. I’m for the petition, and I’m for limiting the all out onslaught against deer and elk in the name of “conservation”.
Anybody know this POS?



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I have said this in this thread more than once but I will say it again. If you see illegal behavior, report it to fish and game, forest service, and/or the sheriff’s office. Posting a picture and calling the guy a pos with no description as to what he did wrong, how about reporting it. You have a picture that could be used to identify the individual, tell someone who can do something not a bunch of nameless people on the internet.
i like this and me and my buddies are also drawing up some plans
Idaho resident tags need addressed as well as people being able to use thermals for locating big game
As a 208er for life, stuck in Utah. For the love of all that is holy, do not, do not, give up what you have in Idaho for some short term gains.

Restrict what you hunt with, not your opportunity to hunt.
I personally would rather us go to what Utah has for deer a general draw at random and a limited draw random if we only got to hunt deer every 3 years I’d be ok with as opposed to dealing with the shit show that general deer has become here too many resident hunters and NR alike. at least you would have a chance at seeing a mature buck once in a while
i like this and me and my buddies are also drawing up some plans
Idaho resident tags need addressed as well as people being able to use thermals for locating big game
It is illegal to use thermals. I believe that falls under “artificial light.”
Idaho needs to adopt absolutely zero of anything that Utah is doing.
I said similar not exact but I go and hunt archery there in a “sub optimal” unit and then amount of deer and amount of mature bucks compared to what I see here in Idaho is night and day differen. their system is not perfect, but the days of the general deer season here being a quality experience I feel is over.

im open to being proved wrong though.
I said similar not exact but I go and hunt archery there in a “sub optimal” unit and then amount of deer and amount of mature bucks compared to what I see here in Idaho is night and day differen. their system is not perfect, but the days of the general deer season here being a quality experience I feel is over.

im open to being proved wrong though.
I've hunted Utah general tags twice in the last 4 years. They have all the same issues that we have except you only get to do it every few years. There's more than a few guys who are committed to taking mature deer in Idaho and they get it done year in and year out. Maybe they're a little lucky, maybe they work harder than everyone else, but the bucks are there.

If I was experiencing some of the things discussed in this thread I'd switch areas. Continuing to do the exact same thing over and over while expecting different results is the very definition of insanity.