Press Options


Nov 20, 2022
Washington State
So as I upgrade my hand me downs to newer equipment I think a press might be next. I am currently using a RCBS Rs press. I’ve never used anything else so I have no idea if it’s crap or if it’s just fine in comparison to other single stage presses out there.

Thoughts on if I should upgrade and if yes, what are good options?
RCBS rock chucker, forster co-ax, mec marksman, Hornady and others will all do the job.

The Redding T-7 is unique because you can load a few different dies and just rotate the head unit.

I run two rock chuckers and a Dillon 550
I have found good used presses at really good prices at pawn shops/CL.

Currently using one, a Lyman. Had a rockchucker, gave it to a guy getting started in loading. There are some premium single stages out there, like that co-ax posted. Area 419, I think, is another. Some get into Dillon 550 prices.

I use my 550 far more than the single stage, but Would not be without a SS.
For me, I don’t see the value in a spendy single stage. For you, it may be different. Some guys love a turret, some the bushing style.
All my pistol ammo is done on a 750.

RCBS press is far from junk, they are one of the better ones. If you want to upgrade, shift focus to powder scale, unless you have a good one. Elec powder dispensers are nice too. Plenty of things to improve The reloading experience.

What are you loading for currently?
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For a single stage I like the forester co-ax, I am considering going to a Dillon 550 for some of my larger volume rounds.
How do your current loads shoot? If they are good, your press is good. If you just want something new I get that! But a new press probably won't improve your ammo to any measurable degree.
I haven't counted lately, but I load for a lot of different cartridges. I have a Rock Chucker I have used 40 years or so, and a Forster Coax for 10 years. I also have a K&M arbor that I use for seating. but only on about 5 cartridges. I use a Hornady AP progressive mostly for handgun ammo with some 300 BO and 5.56 occasionally.

I like the Forster for the ability to change cartridges quickly. The dies slide in and out, so if you have them set and the lock ring tightened, you are changing dies in seconds. Also there are no shell holders to swap. And the spent primers go into a cup, that is easy to unscrew and empty. These are the benefits I see over the RCBS RC.

If I am loding under a couple hundred rounds at one time, the progressive isn't worth setting up. And I would still need to throw powder charges on my Auto trickler V4 for rifle ammo anyway. So I don't use it for rifle ammo.

The K&M makes very nice ammo, but except for a purpose built target rifle, I can't see the difference on a target.
I have found good used presses at really good prices at pawn shops/CL.

Currently using one, a Lyman. Had a rockchucker, gave it to a guy getting started in loading. There are some premium single stages out there, like that co-ax posted. Area 419, I think, is another. Some get into Dillon 550 prices.

I use my 550 far more than the single stage, but Would not be without a SS.
For me, I don’t see the value in a spendy single stage. For you, it may be different. Some guys love a turret, some the bushing style.
All my pistol ammo is done on a 750.

RCBS press is far from junk, they are one of the better ones. If you want to upgrade, shift focus to powder scale, unless you have a good one. Elec powder dispensers are nice too. Plenty of things to improve The reloading experience.

What are you loading for currently?
I am currently loading for rifles, I have the auto charge pro for a scale/dispenser.
How do your current loads shoot? If they are good, your press is good. If you just want something new I get that! But a new press probably won't improve your ammo to any measurable degree.
I haven't counted lately, but I load for a lot of different cartridges. I have a Rock Chucker I have used 40 years or so, and a Forster Coax for 10 years. I also have a K&M arbor that I use for seating. but only on about 5 cartridges. I use a Hornady AP progressive mostly for handgun ammo with some 300 BO and 5.56 occasionally.

I like the Forster for the ability to change cartridges quickly. The dies slide in and out, so if you have them set and the lock ring tightened, you are changing dies in seconds. Also there are no shell holders to swap. And the spent primers go into a cup, that is easy to unscrew and empty. These are the benefits I see over the RCBS RC.

If I am loding under a couple hundred rounds at one time, the progressive isn't worth setting up. And I would still need to throw powder charges on my Auto trickler V4 for rifle ammo anyway. So I don't use it for rifle ammo.

The K&M makes very nice ammo, but except for a purpose built target rifle, I can't see the difference on a target.
I don’t have a rock chucker, I have the reloader special.
your dies are the heart of your loading. the press just pushes a case in the die. if you can push a case in, the press is doing its job. if you struggle, get a bigger press.
This is the same press I currently use minus the little thing mounted to the top. Would it be worth upgrading to like a hornady single stage or would the upgrade be to the Co-Ax?

I recently got my first set of redding type S bushing dies with a comp seater, all my other dies are hornady custom grade.

Anyone have a worthy upgrade they want to sell?


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That’s a good press. With the good dies you have, not sure I would change.
i don’t have experience with the turret types, or the bushing types.
Some guys like the turrets some the hornady lock and load bushing.

if you are just doing rifle a Dillon might be overkill. Mine crank out some volume pistol ammo but I shoot competitively and need a lot.

Case trimming? There is some pretty cool stuff for that.

This looks pretty nice actually.!/
I would not consider any other single stage press on the market to be an "upgrade" over what you have

If you want to load faster, yes, turret and/or progressives offer that. They bring their own cons with them.
My rcbs with a quick change kit sits next to my coax. I haven't touched the rcbs since the day I mounted the coax.

The coax is faster, more consistent and easier to use....I don't even need the handle on the coax.
I have a Co-Ax and RCBS ammomaster (used to load some really long cartridges). Before that owned a RCBS Rock Chucker for 35-40 years.

If you buy a Co-Ax make sure you buy a set of the curved linkage plates as it allows much easier access to the sides of the press when reaching for the brass. You can find these plates on eBay for about 40 bucks.

My next press will be the Area 419 Zero. Pricey, but I love using quality tools. Hope to add one to my bench within the next 30 days.

Nothing wrong with a RCBS Rock Chucker but the Redding Big Boss II is a better design when it comes to handling primers once you kick them out of the case.
I have a Co-Ax and RCBS ammomaster (used to load some really long cartridges). Before that owned a RCBS Rock Chucker for 35-40 years.

If you buy a Co-Ax make sure you buy a set of the curved linkage plates as it allows much easier access to the sides of the press when reaching for the brass. You can find these plates on eBay for about 40 bucks.

My next press will be the Area 419 Zero. Pricey, but I love using quality tools. Hope to add one to my bench within the next 30 days.

Nothing wrong with a RCBS Rock Chucker but the Redding Big Boss II is a better design when it comes to handling primers once you kick them out of the case.
The new foresters are coming with the curved plates.
If you're just loading rifle and not for volume, I can't see a reason to have a progressive press.
I have a coax and I really like it. But I went straight to it after a lot of looking at reviews before getting into it.
It seems like people make just as good stuff on all the other single stage presses. At least not enough difference you'll see it unless you're in high level competition.