Post hunt etiquette: Splitting/sharing meat

Growing up everything was split equally unless someone didn't want it.
The same applies today with my hunting camp but one of the guys never wants extra meat cause him and his wife don't need it. My other buddy usually has enough from the youth hunts. If someone helped me pack it and took their time to hunt with me then I'd split it with them.
I’ve never every split meat with anyone. Me and my buddies are always scouting hunting and packing together and don’t expect anything at all. We just do it for each other. Sometimes we’ll have a bbq or give them a pack of jerky but it’s not expected at all. It’s just a way to say thanks. That said I have given away lots of game. Usually always to people who need meat, or sometimes to people that I know won’t waste it and put it to good use. Seeing the look on people faces when they get needed meat is amazing!! And I like the way me and the hunting buddies it hasn’t ever failed any of us yet.
I usually pack pretty deep. So whatever someone else helps pack out, they get. If I want to pack it all, I get it all.
This incentivizes all hunting to hunt hard for their own tags. We go in knowing this.
But, we are always happy to help if someone needs help. And you get what you “earn”.
With the guys I hunt with there has never been an emphasis to share any meat. Generally after a hunt where game was taken the successful guy gets the meat processed and offers some to others, usually prime cuts. We generally all except one meals worth and everybody is happy. We hunt for the companionship and adventure. The meat is always secondary.
In deer camp it’s more of a collective deal that I am part of. While the shooter gets a larger share of prime cuts, the remainder is divided evenly for steak packages then the grind meat gets sent off for summer sausage and sticks. All costs for that processing is split for those wanting meat. Last year 11 of 13 tags were filled, sometimes it’s only 5.
I always offer it if someone helped me. One of my main hunting buddies always has a full freezer and almost always refuses. So it means more to cook him a good meal with it.

I don't expect anything when I choose to help on hunts. It does feel nice when it's offered though.

If you expect anything for helping. Make it clear before.

If your buddy puts in equal effort and takes their time to help. Offer. If it's a small animal that you can't part with much of. Some backstrap is a token of appreciation everyone understands.

If they have filled freezers they might refuse, but it's still a good gesture.

I don't get hung up over it, but it does feel kind of like a dick move when someone helps pack elk out for people and you don't even offer a steak LOL.
Do people without tags actually expect meat? If you end up getting some out of somebody else’s generosity then that’s great for you. Blows me away that someone without a tag would demand or expect another mans kill. Crazy times.
I have always solo hunted in the past, so no dilemma there.
This year, I have become good friends with the neighbor (we both built houses within 500 yds of each other) and we have hunted HARD all season... for elk, antelope, mule deer and whitetails.
We plan to just take the cumulative total and split it, no matter who fills what tag. We will have a grind party at the end of all seasons and split the burger. I have absolutely no problem with it. We both gave 100% and both put in the effort.
I have helped him butcher and he has helped me pack out.
Good friends are hard to come by... good hunting partners, even moreso.
Well, if four people give up their time and accept risk, four people receive equal harvest.

That depends. If they "self invited", then they didn't give up any time or assumed any risk at all. If you, the hunter, invited them, then yes, there should be some arrangement after the hunt.
He who packs meat, gets meat.

For hunts as a group, we always split it up. Sure, a small animal won't go far split between 4 hunters...but you've got 4x the odds of harvesting one to start with if you're hunting with any sort of strategy.

People who don't understand hunting is a collective effort don't wind up in camp more than once.
This is a discussion to have prior to the hunt, not now. I offer, but typically we just take our own meat unless someone needs some then we share.

We all love to hunt, helping a buddy on a hunt is all the reward alot of us need.

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Interesting concept. Do you all agree ahead of time to split everything equally, no matter what? If not, then why think of doing so afterwards? I've never split meat with anyone or had anyone split it with me. I think like anything in life, equal opportunity is fine, but equal outcome is strange and not right. Unless, like I said, everyone agrees ahead of time.
Some strong opinions on this thread. While I do agree that nobody should "expect" to receive meat just because they were there, I wouldn't consider it a friend if we didn't split down the middle (assuming we travelled for a hunt and only one tagged out). I would love to give up half my animal to my hunting buddy if he didn't tag out and I'm sure he would love to do the same if it was flipped the other way. Heck, if my neighbor mentioned liking wild game but never hunted, I would give them a bunch too. There's more important things in life then a full freezer.
My group must be different. We don’t split any meat, a guy knocks one down we all help him get it out, then get back to hunting. Always been that way.
My group must be different. We don’t split any meat, a guy knocks one down we all help him get it out, then get back to hunting. Always been that way.
Same with us. We'll usually end up sharing some snack sticks or summer sausage after we process but the shooter keeps their own meat. I'd never think to take the meat from another guys animal.

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When I hunted with groups, who shot it keeps it, when I hunted with only my Bud he always ended up with a back strap and tender loin. When he scored he got the Back straps and tender loins and gave me the rest. He got picky in his elder years, I really do miss him.
All who were present and pack out get equal shares. Always how I have done it. I am very picky about who I hunt with though- as said before- tough to find good partners.

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