Possibly moving to Bozeman, Montana. What's the downside? What's the upside?


Jun 13, 2019
Enjoy the heck out of it.

If you can afford to make it work it is a destination location, you won't travel far from there to enjoy the outdoors. You won't get tired of Yellowstone and the Absaroka.


Feb 3, 2024
Bozangles, MT
I've got the handle bar mustache but not the man bun. When I moved here 46 years ago Bozeman was a nice little western town. Now it's Bozangles. I worked in the same office downtown for 30 years, now I avoid downtown as much as I can.

Luckily, I bought my house 6 miles out of town...and in the opposite direction of all of the expansion. There is no way that I could afford to buy my house now, and even the taxes on it are outrageous.

On the red political map of Montana, I'm ashamed to live in one of the few blue counties.

The upside is that my house is paid for and I'm retired.


Nov 14, 2014
A typical Bozeman thread lol - some with no experience living here, chiming in, parroting what they heard from someone else with no experience living here. And, of course, those with actual experience living here.

Nothing stays the same. My father first came to Bozeman in 1949 - by the time I got here in August 1992 it had changed quite a bit since when he came (shock and surprise). I'm guessing it may even have been different in 1949 than 1909 when it was a really cool place to be, before it was completely spoiled after WWII. But then I suppose it was a real dump in 1909 compared to when Lewis and Clark were in the area.

I haven't been everywhere, but I have travelled a lot. I still find Bozeman to be one of the best small cities in America. Has it changed since I first came here almost 33 years ago? Absolutely. The population has doubled for one. Some of the change is for the better, some not. Just like anywhere. I raised my kids here, K-12 and both are MSU grads too. Relative to the rest of the country, it is a great place to raise kids. Still. It has become expensive no doubt. It finally got "discovered." But it's no Jackson, WY and that's a fact. Jackson isn't a "real" town - Bozeman is. We have an actual economy that extends beyond tourism, and Montana State University is a huge part of that.

The OP is mving from San Diego - why bring up Californian's and the cost of living and housing? San Diego is one of the most expensive places in America, and is surprisingly full of Californians. Bozeman will be an affordable dream come true mvoing from there.

As to Claifornians, I find if they can make it through five winters, like anyone else, they probably belong here. Our "winter kill" is pretty stout. I also find Californians make this area a lot more interesting than typical rural Montana. Frankly, I couldn't live full time in Montucky proper. I like the ammenities here. And Bozeman is only a half hours drive from Montana.

Sorry, but I find the "Bozeangeles" thing too simplistic and a bit thoughtless.

Couple thoughts on a snowy Sunday morning...
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