POS Leuplold…

Great news, I played Russian roulette today and I'm still alive, proof it is a safe pass time and everyone should play it.

Leupold scopes are the best. Tikkas are crap. Please only buy Leupolds and Rem 700s.

Neutral? The language you use in that first line, much less the rest of the post, drips with bias. Why did you not say 'leupold loving anti-drop test cult'?
Thank you for the emotional response.
I never see much work shown here as fact so pretty much everything on this forum is potential gibberish that means pretty much nothing.....can't believe any of it. That's what you are saying Macintosh. We can't believe the words Form states in his drop tests, nothing written in optics testing.....nothing presented in most everything since it is just words by a member and really isn't verifiable information. Claims by anyone cannot be proven or factual unless you witness the actions yourself regardless of the detail or context presented. It's just one man's opinion on what he decides is fact. Basically, everything written here should be thought of as a fairytale.
no, not at all what I'm saying. Obviously if I wanted I could fabricate a situation...say, zero my rifle and then shoot a group on video to claim that it had been 6 months and 3000atv miles and blah, blah and "see my rifle holds zero", or I could intentionally pull several shots and be like "see this scope lost zero". So obviously I take what I do and what I see in person differently, and I put a hefty dose of skepticism into everything I see on the internet. Especially with all the AI-generated videos out there. But on the whole I think 99% of the peop;le out there are not lying. For example, I dont think JG raider is lying about his scope holding zero, I just dont have the context to put behind it to say whether thats becasue he doesnt track his zero and its "good enough", or becasue he meticulously tracks it and he could quantify it if he wanted, but just likes trolling. Based on MY experience neither of those things is unlikely. I'm never going to put as much weight behind anything I read OR SEE here as I am into my experience--but at the same time, if I argue with someone here I cant expect other people to give my argument the same weight as a counter-argument that has some significant data behind it, regardless of who's posting it. That's all I'm saying.
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Hey Marbles...show us your massive mule deer mounts you shot with those fabulous and reliable RS1.3's....ahahahahaha. Buddy, the fking joke is on YOU. JG is the shit bro.
Well, first these scopes are new to me (as indicated by the need to test them comment).

While there are several other points I could make, I'll keep it really simple, I acknowledge where people are better than me (JGRaider has killed more stuff than me), but that comparison is irrelevant to the conversation at hand and body count doesn't impress me as it has no bearing on any human quality I value.

For the record, my list of big game kills is thoroughly unimpressive. But, even if it was impressive, I don't respect insecure people who have to flaunt a resume.
I've also got some really big whitetail, antelope, and aoudad pics if you want to see them Marbles, and several more muleys. "Flaunting a resume" and proving the naysayers/adversarial accusers wrong are two entirely different things.
@JGRaider , totally honest questions regarding your "proving the naysayers wrong" coment--because I think this is the root of why folks are giving you a hard time.

Do you think being successful shooting deer alone, even if its a lot of deer, qualifies anyone to say that their zero has not shifted? (ie without quantifying it on paper). Any comments on the nuance you would view this through welcome.

Do you track your zero on paper accurately enough that you would be able to say definitively if the zero shifted for any reason (scope or otherwise), and quantify the amount of shift to within a click or two?
@JGRaider , totally honest questions regarding your "proving the naysayers wrong" coment--because I think this is the root of why folks are giving you a hard time.

Do you think being successful shooting deer alone, even if its a lot of deer, qualifies anyone to say that their zero has not shifted? (ie without quantifying it on paper). Any comments on the nuance you would view this through welcome. "Proving naysayers wrong" was a poor choice of words. I should have just stuck with "IME" instead. I'm not trying to persuade anyone of anything, just stating my experiences It depends on distance to POI. I also shoot hogs, 'yotes, and LR rocks on a deer hunt. Shots fired are not 100% at deer or whatever game I'm after. I usually shoot out to 900 or so then back to zero and various points in between several times. Not every hunt, but most of them. Of course I verify on paper when I want to. I'm also smart enough and have enough experience to know that a slight variation in POI can be due to wind, shooter error, ammo, etc, not just the shooter. I'm a hunter, and find nothing interesting about sitting at the range whacking targets although I'll do so when need be, or competition shooting. When this quits working out for me I'll try another method.

Do you track your zero on paper accurately enough that you would be able to say definitively if the zero shifted for any reason (scope or otherwise), and quantify the amount of shift to within a click or two?
Now, are you interested in seeing some really big whitetails, aoudad, and antelope. I didn't see where you answered that question.
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That's one of your dumber 3rd grade attempts at humor and that's saying something in your case. Just to help you out some, that's what the democrats/libtards do. Instead of attacking the message, they attack the messager. It's poor form, weak sauce, know what I mean?

I see that side-eye you are giving me, and I will quit egging on the trolls. Just got caught up in the holiday spirit and couldn’t help myself. Merry Christmas. Appreciate the good work you do, keeping us jackasses in line.
It’s an unsure face because I thought your comment was funny but not sure if the thread got better. Since then it’s kinda rode the fence between locker room razing and a bar fight waiting to happen.
That's the beauty here. JG may very well be the shit, I have no idea. OR, he may be a rich middle-aged fat guy who hires a guide to hunt in exotic locations like africa and mexico, and has been going on extravagant hunts to stave off the boredom of being fabulously wealthy, and has his guide sight in his rifle for him. Or both. Or neither. Frankly I dont give a rats behind if any of those things are true--here, just like all of us, he's just another guy with a funny handle who spends too much time arguing about scopes. Whether anyone is the shit or not is irrelevant--we're all nothing here beyond what we post. The difference is that some people show their work so you know how they arrive at their conclusions, and if you want to argue with it you can point to the merit of their methodology. JG on the other hand, refuses to provide any context to his claims, so we have no idea what standard he applies to his rifle, we have no idea if or how he verifies it, and frankly, if you refuse to provide context while insisting others are wrong, it's just hot air. "talk minus action=zilch". As stated before, "minute of deer" is worthless in this context, it's simply not relevant without more detail. Show your work, or at least describe it in detail so we can all understand the full context, and I'll give it every ounce of weight it deserves. Refuse to provide any context, and I'll continue to give it less credence than I do to those who show their work.
Kinda wishing this was me: “a rich middle-aged fat guy who hires a guide to hunt in exotic locations like africa and mexico, and has been going on extravagant hunts to stave off the boredom of being fabulously wealthy”
Kinda wishing this was me: “a rich middle-aged fat guy who hires a guide to hunt in exotic locations like africa and mexico, and has been going on extravagant hunts to stave off the boredom of being fabulously wealthy”
Me too! Where do I sign up? Lol

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I replied not because I am a Leupold guy but rather this form has people selling off stuff that has served them well. I currently run 2 of the new Mavens based on info here on the reticle, I have a Nightforce on my 50 and a Zeiss V6. I don’t know the numbers but no doubt Leupold sells some multiple of other brands so there are more of them out there. A little information can be dangerous. On one of these threads a guy was selling his Leupold because his “PRS” buddies failed to hold zero by .3 and .4. What he did not get is right in his argument his PRS buddy was checking in high winds. A friend that was using one of my Alaska rifles last month with a VX5 had a success hunt and was sold on them. He told me he was going to get one because his scope at home had “failed.” I said slow down and check a few things. When he got back to Texas he sent a video of him able to wobble his rail with very little force. I just think shear numbers and our general lack of understanding sometimes leads us to improper conclusions.
I have a vx3i on a rifle that has never lost zero, the rifle is a 375HH and I’ve shot a pile of stuff with it. I had a vx2 that wouldn’t adjust. The truth is somewhere in the middle I guess.
I’ve only ever tried a VX-3HD which was on a tikka 338 win and it did seem to hold zero quite well, but didn’t keep the fun or optic long enough to really test it.

I did just buy a VX5 to put through it paces. Since no one else will try one I figure what the heck.

I will not however have time to run the 3000 rounds of ammo through it to check that but will gladly post all the info I gather and seeing as I have no dog in this fight, if it fails it fails and if not then I’ll post it.

With the drops I will try and replicate forms eval as best as I can. I know this will just be a sample size of 1 but with everyone asking I figure why not.
@House21 there’s a thread started recently about zero check tracking, sounds like a good candidate to contribute too as well
