Portland Oregon

I think that is a little over the top!

No Go zones in Bend!😂 I would love to know the name of the streets the police say are I safe to enter, please post.

Bend is no where near as crime riden and crappy as portland. Not even comparable.

I just spent 4 days for Mother’s Day weekend was all over Redmond and Bend

Saw maybe 6 homeless people total
So I spoke to my buddy like I said I would and it was Second St and Hunnell Rd that was in the links I posted. They clear those streets and apparently the camping starts over again. Shootings, fires, needles, feces and the mess just piles up again. And in addition to the Rainbow Motel bought for the homeless the city quietly came up with the idea of making a city homeless camp. Without an idea how to run it the potential for the homeless to control the camp seems likely. https://centraloregondaily.com/bend-homeless-camp-new-les-schwab-reaction/
The opioids and synthetic opioids are so powerful, one should not be suprised that addicts destroy their minds and emotions. Living on the street is their only real option if the state does not incarcerate them
Total BS, if the conservatives hadn't launched the war on drugs in the 80's, we wouldn't be where we are now in this country. Conservatism's Profit Over People propaganda for the last century has destroyed our social programs. At least Portland has the balls to legalize everything to encourage the drug prices are worth nothing, and to lessen cartel influence/big pharma in this country and the world. We will lose a lot of folks the first few years but it will get better. Everything we do in every situation in our lives is based on the health of ones mind.
🤣 fentanyl actually improve quality of life for Portland users

we live a clown world with clowns dictating dangerous public policies
Sorry, but the job market is NOT a factor in the destruction of Portland. I work in staffing here and have a very strong read on our job market. There has always been a healthy amount of blue-collar jobs available (construction labor, service industry, manufacturing labor, etc...). We actually do have a strong manufacturing presence in Portland, both large and small company. Heck you probably buy Portland products more than you think (Benchmade, Kershaw knives, Leatherman, Warne Scope Mounts, CRKT just to name a couple).

The problem is the policies put in place by liberals. They decriminalized drug use, openly tried to defund the police, allowed lawlessness to prevail, allow homeless camping everywhere. I can go on and on. For those who fish the Willamette River for salmon, there's a real threat that your rig or catalytic converter WILL BE stolen. The rise in auto theft and petty crime has shot up exponentially. And to no one's surprise, it coincides right with Measure 110 (drug decriminalization)

If these losers on the streets wanted to work, they can find employment with some help and effort. The CHOOSE to be drug addicts and live on the streets. For the few homeless that are truly in a very rough patch in their lives, there are programs available. But once again, you have to put in some effort.
There was a story about a ex Intel guy who said he quit to live on the street because drugs were cheap and the city supports them. No lack of jobs are not the problem I agree with you 100%.
Total BS, if the conservatives hadn't launched the war on drugs in the 80's, we wouldn't be where we are now in this country. Conservatism's Profit Over People propaganda for the last century has destroyed our social programs. At least Portland has the balls to legalize everything to encourage the drug prices are worth nothing, and to lessen cartel influence/big pharma in this country and the world. We will lose a lot of folks the first few years but it will get better. Everything we do in every situation in our lives is based on the health of ones mind.
I disagree the drugs are being run by gangs that is why there are so many shootings. Legalizing it and hand cuffing the police has not helped nor the soros liberal DA .
I used to work there, still have a son there, so I don’t need to read any of these posts, but yes, it’s pitiful. Tree hugging libtard democrats.
Had to go to Portland for a few days this week for a family medical emergency and I saw first hand what a s&@%hole it is. I've seen news stories on it but to see it in person is surreal. I saw two crackheads chipping away at a concrete retaining wall along the freeway with hammers. Saw a lady on a street corner passed out sleeping with her arse hanging out. Graffiti on windows and doors of open businesses and tent camps literally everywhere including sidewalks in front of houses. I'm still a bit in shock from seeing all that. I'm sure some of you have seen this but it was eye opening.
Not sure the point of this post except I still can't believe it's real.
Well it has a lot in common politically with most of the other shitholes is this country
So it’s perfectly fine if government organizations possess and sell drugs but not the citizens?

To my way of thinking, it’s not any different than taking away any other freedoms. If I want to get jacked up on meth or anything else, it’s my business. Decriminalizing drugs isn’t the problem at all, it’s all the shitty policies that don’t hold people accountable for their actions that hurt others.

Portland is a shit hole because there is no accountability and the policies in place enable people to sustain a lifestyle that is detrimental to themselves and the public.