I missed the wide open spaces and long hunting seasons of the West.
New Hampshire is great if like like cities like Boston (1-hour away), need the ocean (15 minutes away),
or like the forests of the White Mountains National Forest (1-hour away),
or like antiques and historical places.
I went from northern Utah where the bird season ranged from early September blue grouse
at high elevation to February huns in wheat stubble.
Plus a 90-day season on ducks (7 duck bag limit).
Plus world class fly-fishing all summer long.
Plus antelope, mule deer, elk hunting.
Plus low humidity and no winter of ice glazing everything with each storm like coastal NH.
Plus no Lymes disease and lots of public land.
Places to shoot and camp with not bothering other folks.
And Idaho/Wyoming was a short drive for even more opportunities.
New Hampshire simply did not have the wide open spaces, lots of public land, or the diversity
of bird hunting that the west had.
I also like Utah that if it was hot, it was a short drive up Logan, Canyon to high elevation and excellent trout fishing.
If it was cold, a road trip to southern Utah brought warmth and sunshine.