Please help, Sight housing bottomed out

Sep 22, 2021
im sighting in my new bow. My peep sight is perfect for me but trying to get my top pin dialed in is not possible. My sight housing is as low as it can go without hitting my broadhead. What can I change or adjust to bring my housing higher?


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You need to bring your sight housing up, not lower. The mount to the riser should have different holes to raise or lower the whole sight.

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Just edited my post with pictures
Loosen the screw that holds your scope housing dovetail and slid it up. All your other pins will change to but it's the only way to get that top pin up, if that's what you need. Remember to always follow the arrow when making sight adjustments.

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Loosen the screw that holds your scope housing dovetail and slid it up. All your other pins will change to but it's the only way to get that top pin up, if that's what you need. Remember to always follow the arrow when making sight adjustments.

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If I’m already shooting low to get my top pin dialed in how will raising the housing up make it so I can dial in the top pin and get the lower pins to work? I hope I can fix this issue this easy! Thanks for the feedback
That bottom pin is at 80 yards. If I move my housing up I’ll have to lower my top pin which would mean I probably wouldn’t be able to keep the bottom pin on 80 right?


However, that's a slider. So sight in your top pin at 20 or 25, maybe 30, whatever you want. Then I'd go 10 yard increments until your individual pins bottom out in the housing. At that point you can use the slider function to go further out.

If I'm following what you are saying correctly
Another option is mounting your housing closer to the riser. You can use holes on the bar that are closer to the housing to mount the sight. That will shrink your pin gap if you actually want 20-80 within the housing.
Another option is mounting your housing closer to the riser. You can use holes on the bar that are closer to the housing to mount the sight. That will shrink your pin gap if you actually want 20-80 within the housing.
Great idea thank you! I’ll give that a try
Are any of the pins sighted in already?
If you’re trying to keep your 20 as high as possible in the housing before sighting in the rest that may not be the best approach. I’d drop your 20 pin until it’s sighted in and then follow standard procedure to sight in the rest of them. Then when everything is ballparked, drop your bottom pin as low as reasonable and sight in back down to 20. That’ll give you the most travel. Also move closer to the riser if max distance is your goal.

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I have them set according to the sight tape. I just went out tonight to start the find tuning and my top pin is set for 30 and I was shooting 2 feet low. After moving the housing down to where I took the picture I was still a foot low for 30 yards
I have them set according to the sight tape. I just went out tonight to start the find tuning and my top pin is set for 30 and I was shooting 2 feet low. After moving the housing down to where I took the picture I was still a foot low for 30 yards

Interesting. Arrow is set up level? No fletching contact?

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Ya all is good. My arrows are flying good and stacking just not at the distance I have the pins set for. For whatever reason the last two bows I had have always been set about as low as possible but this is too low.
You must have a pretty high anchor.
I’d definitely start with moving the sight closer to your riser. Then move the top pin down until you get 20 dialed (or 30 if you want that)and set the rest in 10 yard increments. Trying to get an 80 pin on a 5 pin sight is hamstringing you I think.

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