Appeals Court Lifts Hold on Measure 114, Ruling that Oregon Gun Law is Constitutional

Jun 21, 2024
Sandy OR
Thought those in Oregon might want to see this. Hope this is ok to post in this section. Or should it be in firearms?

It’s just another day in a dem state trying to undermine the constitution.

Never shocks me that those who represent us, those who took an oath to uphold the constitution are the ones who most frequently try to break it.

I’ll say it again, until consequences are given to those who knowingly subvert our constitution, nothing will change until they eventually get what they want….that goes for a lot of issues right now.
I'm so glad I live in the south. I know the permit thing has been around forever. I have an old colt 38 snubnose that was my grandpa's. I still have the permit he had to get signed by the sheriff in MI to get it. The 10rd mag thing is beyond stupid.
I'm so damn sick of "common sense" being used to legitimate these radical leftist gun control bills. Common sense would tell you that restricting law abiding gun owners from exercising their constitutional rights is just plain wrong.