Planning a once in a lifetime sheep hunt

I talked to someone who hunted dalls with North Curl this year and had a GREAT experience. I did some research and everything I read was extremely positive so I reached out to them. Mac Watson said they were booking in 2027 and beyond. I was targeting 2029 because I had previously booked a moose/caribou hunt in the NWT with the Lancasters for 2027. The sheep hunt was $42k, but they hold that price for future years if you put 10% down. I ended up booking for 2029 because I felt like I could hedge against inflation in hunt costs by locking my 2029 price in now (something other outfitters I talked with don’t do). I guess time will tell if it was a good move or not!
I’m thinking to try the same. Book now then hoping they hold the price. Haven’t had time to really sit down and start calling.
Waiting to buy a house outside of the five boroughs of NY just so I can get a rifle. That’s a big thing holding me back. What if it the hunt comes before I get a house and don’t even have a rifle.(I’ve been strictly bow my whole life).
A NWT dall hunt for $42k in 2029 will seem like a steal. What happens if the concession is sold between now and then?
Sorry, I wasn't clear, but North Curl actually operates in the Yukon (my moose/caribou hunt is in the NWT). I think your point still stands though!

Good question on if the concession is sold. The Watsons have been operating for a number of years, but are also on the younger side so I don't think it is a major concern, but obviously you never know. I would hope if its sold it goes to a good operator that Mac vouches for and I would still have a good experience with them. If not, I guess I would hope to get my deposit back and look for a different hunt. I would think any reputable outfitter who takes over a concession like this would make that option available to people who had already purchased a hunt. But worst case I guess I'd be stuck going with whoever buys the concession.
I’m thinking to try the same. Book now then hoping they hold the price. Haven’t had time to really sit down and start calling.
Waiting to buy a house outside of the five boroughs of NY just so I can get a rifle. That’s a big thing holding me back. What if it the hunt comes before I get a house and don’t even have a rifle.(I’ve been strictly bow my whole life).
That was one of the main reasons I booked with North Curl. I liked the idea of locking in my price now, when it seems like prices are still going up rapidly with no slow down in sight. And it's also getting harder and harder to book high quality sheep hunts (Ravens Throat was already booking into 2030 without even telling you the price; the Lancasters were sold out through 2027 and not booking beyond that when I spoke to them and it was going to be tough to get in 2028 when it opened up because all of their hunters this fall would have had first crack at those hunts; and I got similar responses from others I spoke with).

I also like the idea of knowing I have the hunt locked in, but also have plenty of time to plan/prepare for it. I was listening to an old Jay Scott podcast when he played a talk by Jason Hairston (around episode 538 I think) called "Don't Wait". It basically made me realize I'm not getting any younger (45 now, 50 by the time my hunt rolls around) and the longer I wait, the more difficult it will be to go on these types of dream hunts. So I went full "YOLO", booked the hunts, and figured that with 3-5 years notice, I'll figure out a way to make it work. But it's definitely tough to justify spending that kind of money on a hunt when you have significant "real life" expenses, a family, etc. Fortunately, my wife understands what a dream it has been for me to do these hunts and has been very supportive.
The outfitters I contacted seemed to have availability next year and possible this year for possible blackouts.
Do you think that’s an indication the area might not be holding enough legal rams or the hunt is priced high?
The outfitters I contacted seemed to have availability next year and possible this year for possible blackouts.
Do you think that’s an indication the area might not be holding enough legal rams or the hunt is priced high?
Which outfitters did you talk with and in which areas? As others have said, sheep numbers certainly seem to be down in Alaska, so if word is spreading that could lead to less bookings for those outfitters. I could also definitely see the increasing prices as a factor there as well.
The outfitters I spoke with in the NWT and Yukon did not have openings in the coming years, although they all mentioned cancellations happen so its possible something opens up.
I would ask to see a written contract for review prior to putting down a deposit. It should address many of the contingencies. There was a thread on here a year or so ago about a sheep outfitter that was sold and the new owners significantly raised the price on future hunts that were already booked. If I remember correctly, basically told those hunters to pay the increased price and they wouldn't honor the previous outfitter's price. Not sure what happened to the deposits if the hunter didn't pay the increased rate. A search should turn up the thread.
I would ask to see a written contract for review prior to putting down a deposit. It should address many of the contingencies. There was a thread on here a year or so ago about a sheep outfitter that was sold and the new owners significantly raised the price on future hunts that were already booked. If I remember correctly, basically told those hunters to pay the increased price and they wouldn't honor the previous outfitter's price. Not sure what happened to the deposits if the hunter didn't pay the increased rate. A search should turn up the thread.

100% agree with reading the hunt contract before paying a deposit.
And then obviously once you agree to the contract, sign it and submit your deposit with the signed contract.

The contract will tell you all the terms:
-Total cost you pay the outfitter
-Year/season you will be hunting
-What gear/food the outfitter provides
-What gear you are responsible to bring
-Deposit amount
-Paying the remaining hunt balance
-Cancellation scenarios
-Trophy fees for other animals you may harvest while hunting

and other terms I can't think of right now
Which outfitters did you talk with and in which areas? As others have said, sheep numbers certainly seem to be down in Alaska, so if word is spreading that could lead to less bookings for those outfitters. I could also definitely see the increasing prices as a factor there as well.
The outfitters I spoke with in the NWT and Yukon did not have openings in the coming years, although they all mentioned cancellations happen so its possible something opens up.
Revelation outfitters in Alaska. Tuchodi River outfitters in BC and Arcadia outfitters responded to an email. Haven’t had time to start calling and gathering information.
Revelation outfitters in Alaska. Tuchodi River outfitters in BC and Arcadia outfitters responded to an email. Haven’t had time to start calling and gathering information.
Gotcha. Tuchodi and Arcadia focus on bighorns (and also stones for tuchodi) so the demand and pricing is different than dalls. The prices are definitely a lot higher for those sheep (Arcadia told me last week their bighorn hunts are $150k now!). I thought I might try for one of those but after seeing the prices I realized stones and bighorns are way out of my league.
Gotcha. Tuchodi and Arcadia focus on bighorns (and also stones for tuchodi) so the demand and pricing is different than dalls. The prices are definitely a lot higher for those sheep (Arcadia told me last week their bighorn hunts are $150k now!). I thought I might try for one of those but after seeing the prices I realized stones and bighorns are way out of my league.
Ben Stourac at Arcadia also has Iron North Outfitters in the Yukon (formerly Widrig Outfitters.) That concession is on the Yukon/NWT border across from ARRO.
Has anyone hunted with or heard from Midnight Sun Safari’s? I’ve been searching for threads with info on them but come up short. It seems like Coke Wallace is pretty well known but there’s limited info out there on his outfit.
Good luck with your research, planning, and hunt. Alaska dall sheep hunt (Brooks Range) - 187 days, 18 hours, and 7 minutes…but who is counting?

The training continues. Very blessed, thankful, and grateful to return to sheep country for another hunt. Truly magnificent animals in spectacular, wild terrain.

Happy hunting to all, TheGrayRider a/k/a Tom.

P.S. “This is no game for the weak-kneed and faint-hearted. Hunter success is not high, not because there aren’t enough sheep but because there aren’t enough people with the temperament to become sheep hunters.”
—Jack O’Connor, “The Bighorn,” March 1960.
I wish you luck on your quest for a ram but we're talking serious money here and I read things that concern me like, "will I have time to learn how to use a rifle before the hunt?...I've only ever hunted east coast whitetails. I've got two young kids and etc. etc."

I seriously wonder if maybe you're an experienced sheep hunter just trolling comments here to see how far you have to go before someone says WTF!!!

The following is opinion...take it or leave it;
1) Avoid an Alaska dall hunt for the foreseeable future. Yes some hunters will get their ram but harvesting a ram is hard, why go at a time when it's even harder due to population dynamics? Yes some areas in Alaska have better populations than others and the residents know that and are adjusting their plans for next season accordingly. It's unlikely you will get out in front of them.
2) In demand outfitters are booking trips +/- 3 years out. If you find a hunt opening sooner or at a great price it is probably NOT your lucky day. There are literally five thousand hunters doing exactly what you are doing and the marketplace is remarkably efficient. If an outfitter has a great price or an immediate opening there are, more likely than not, valid reasons why other hunters that started this quest before you have passed on that hunt. Outfitters are masters at sounding optimistic, proceed with discretion.
3) If you were 22 instead of 42 I would advise you to skip raffles and applying for Bighorn tags in the western US. I've done the $$ analysis and if you're a nonresident just starting in the application game you are better off taking what you would have spent on raffles/apps and create a dedicated sheep hunt investment account.
4) The sheep hunts with better chances of success cost more that the "harder" ones, it's just one of those supply and demand things. A NWT dall hunt will likely cost over $50k by the time you get there and back. The reason is because operating helicopters is expensive and healthy herd numbers are a desirable commodity. Sure you might get an AK dall hunt for half of that but the odds of success in NWT are 2x to 10x better. You get what you pay for.
5) The internet makes sheep hunting look awesome and it is but be aware that the hunters that came home empty-handed or got $crewed out of ten$ of thou$and$ do not go to hunting forums and brag about it. The disappointing stories are out there, they just don't get shared online like the success stories.
6) Hiking with a pack in the Adirondacks is good and necessary but you will get humbled on a backpack sheep hunt.
7) A caribou hunt as a way to test the waters for a northern sheep hunt is like saying I want to hunt elk so I'm going to go out West to hunt pronghorn antelope and see what it's like. If you're really serious I suggest you book a backpack mountain goat hunt with a northern BC, AK or Yukon outfitter that also outfits sheep hunts. It costs less than half of a dall hunt and you will get a genuine taste of mountain hunting in the North. See how you enjoy it, test your rifle, equipment, self. Plus you might get acquainted with the guide or outfit that you will be sheep hunting with...someday.

All this cautionary stuff aside, if you do it and do it right, you will love it. I don't know anyone that has been on a good sheep hunt that doesn't count the time spent as some of the greatest days of their life.
Has anyone hunted with or heard from Midnight Sun Safari’s? I’ve been searching for threads with info on them but come up short. It seems like Coke Wallace is pretty well known but there’s limited info out there on his outfit.
I believe he went 5 for 6 on his hunts last fall regarding sheep. Hes one of the easier outfitters to get a hold of, recommend just giving him a call. He takes half the amount of sheep hunters he did just a few years ago. Good to see some outfitters self regulate.
Tuchodi River and Arcadia for British Columbia are the two that responded.
Revelation outfitters responded for the Alaska Dall sheep hunt. I tried contacting a few more but didn’t get an email response. I’ve had better luck calling.
A buddy and I both hunted dall sheep with Revelation Mountain Outfitters (Alaska) in 2024, and I would highly recommend them! They took 5 sheep hunters last year. I killed the ram in the pictures. I seen 3 other legal rams prior to killing my ram. My buddy missed an easy shot at a beautiful wide flaring ram at 300 yards (sheep fever), and seen at least 3 other legal rams during his hunt, but came home empty handed. Their 3rd hunter took multiple shots at a big ram, but did not connect. Their 4th hunter decided to end the hunt early on day 3 or 4 for one reason or another, with the ram that I ended up killing in view from their camp. The 5th hunter did stick it out the duration of the 10 day hunt and did not have an opportunity at a legal ram during his hunt. I guess what I'm trying to say is that success rates can definitely look much worse than what they actually are, and Revelation Mountain Outfitters 2024 success rate proves that. They had 5 sheep hunters, but only 1 (me) was successful. But its not until you dig into it that you see that 3 of the 5 hunters had shots a legal rams, and one hunter quit the hunt early with legal rams in view in close proximity to their camp. Their outfit should have been 3 for 5 at a minimum, if the hunters did their part when it came to shooting. Just something to think about.


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