I'm a cat hunting failure. 7 hunts, 5 outfitters, 4 states and Alberta, 42 days hunted and no big tom. I'm talking about trying to take a big tom of 150lbs plus. Been under 5 cats mostly females. Below are my thoughts.
1. If you will take near any cat, success goes way up.
2. Nearly any state or outfitter can produce a good cat. It's all about finding the "right" cat if your trophy hunting.
3. Every outfitter has taken a good cat or two, the trick is do they do it consistently.
4. Snow is not necessary but it sure helps. Dry ground involves a ton of work, skill, and luck. Need a specialist for this.
I'll just say this. And keep in mind my desire to only kill a true trophy cat colors my outlook.
If I ever try again I'll only book an on call hunt with snow.
I'll narrow my search down to areas that hold big cats and outfitters that only try to harvest that size cat.
I'll also look at areas with limited access such as private land or limited tags.
Dig deep into my wallet. Successful hunts for big cats need to be ran like a military operation with multiple scouts and lots of equipment.
Pray for a lot of luck or divine intervention.
The two outfitters you listed are good. I will throw in Bull Creek Outfitter as well. I'd say Biggerstaff is as much as some BC outfitters but you gotta be careful up there. Small areas and quite a bit of competition.
I'll throw Byron Stewart and Kelly Morton in Alberta in but you better dig deep.
Good luck.