Pitching your mod/idea to a company


Aug 14, 2020
Northern California
So we all reckon we have perfected our gear with small mods.
Has anyone actually pitched their idea to the companies that made the original gear?

If so what were your experiences and would you expect to get anything back from them if they adopt it?


Jul 19, 2019
I tried. Didn't go over too well.

My bino harness is made by a small (1 or 2 man) company. I really like it, except for the fact the lid opens towards my chest making it hard to use 1 handed. The lid is very soft/pliable with magnets in it so it stays closed. I presented an idea to the owner of the company to add a slider with a magnet to the shoulder strap to keep the lid open and making 1 hand use easier. His reply simply said the lid is designed to fold flat inside the bino pocket so it can be used 1 handed. I replied that dosen't work for me as my binos catch on the tucked in lid when I pull them out. He never replied, giving me the feeling I insulted him/his product.

Their website and facebook page encourage reviews/ideas for improvement so I figured he'd be open to the suggestion . I made one myself for $1 and it works great. problem solved.