Notice how the 10" arcalok rail slightly contacts the stock. There is a little gap between the rail and stock now, but for a bipod or tripod, im assuming it wont affect anything. No I don't shoot PRS, but I got a baricade stop for their rail for shits and giggles.

You can see the two screws I was able to get into the factory embedded "screw nut", "t-nut".

You can see the two screw locations here. I don't know if they did this on purpose, but the mlok rails sit slightly "proud" of the stock. This actually helps a bit, as the arcalok rail then sits flat with these too.I probably need to install one Mlok nut for 3 screw mounts. I'll also install the two Grayboe pan head screws into the middle two mlok screw holes.
I bought 3 sizes of 10-32 slim cap head screws from Fastenal I verified with Grayboe that they were 10/32, The 3/8" long ones were the right length
Its possible a full head cap screw would still fit into the arcalok rail without protruding above the rail, or below if the gun is rightside up. =)
The bottom metal screw holes line up. Don't know if there is aluminum in there or not.
That little black dot is the spot that the bolt stop pin hits. I had to hog it out a bit to get the pin to not interfere with the stock then i just used a black sharpie to color it in.