Pillar job on MESA Altitude stock off, what should I do?

Grayboe has stocks ready to ship since someone brought up availability.
Their site says 6-12 weeks on everything, but maybe they didn't update it. That Phoenix stock is only 3 ounces more than the Mesa with adjustable LOP, adjustable cheek, mlock rails, and looks cooler..... Might be a good option.
Their site says 6-12 weeks on everything, but maybe they didn't update it. That Phoenix stock is only 3 ounces more than the Mesa with adjustable LOP, adjustable cheek, mlock rails, and looks cooler..... Might be a good option.

I think mine is 32oz without the rubber hand screw thing and a button head for the comb.
What is a wildcat? I may want a really light stock. =)
Wildcats are light but if you want a vertical grip and higher cheek then contact MPI, they'll make you a stock that's very similar to an EH1 and also finishes at 18 oz.
I'd avoid anything made by AG or Mesa, most good stocks come with the pillars uninstalled cuz you really need to set them specifically for your action and bottom metal.
I put them in during bedding
so my Mesa stock showed up looking like the @steffen707 photos. This is my first tikka stock swap so I don’t know enough to know if this is going to be a problem. Thoughts?

so my Mesa stock showed up looking like the @steffen707 photos. This is my first tikka stock swap so I don’t know enough to know if this is going to be a problem. Thoughts?

View attachment 388053
It’s real easy to tell, put your action in, seat it and look down the hole.

That or after a little shooting you will see thread marks on the butt side of the pillars from the screws contacting them.

Blows my mind these are so talked up with the myriad of problems they have and cause.
Makes you wonder how a 1/4” of fill will hold that recoil when the screw is up against the pillar.
If the recoil lug still fits in the slot of the receiver I don’t see how recoil stress is on the pillar or action screw, right?
If the recoil lug still fits in the slot of the receiver I don’t see how recoil stress is on the pillar or action screw, right?
That has been a common problem with AG inlet and the lug being secured prior to fitting the action.

You can see in the OP the marks inside the pillar, that’s the screw threads contacting the pillar with recoil. Iv seen a couple AG tikka stocks similar as well

Ideally as you said the screw does not contact the pilllar when seated on the lug
If the recoil lug still fits in the slot of the receiver I don’t see how recoil stress is on the pillar or action screw, right?

Correct, in a properly designed and bedded lug you don't really even need action screws. 20 ip will keep the action from falling out of the stock.
So on this particular rifle and stock system, does the lug lock into place in the action recess?
On a tikka, the lug is secured in the stock and the action has a corresponding slot, seat it just like you would a Remington lug against the back of the slot, but it’s just not secured to the action.