Pick my Scope ....

Follow up.
Been shooting this gun/ Scope combo for the last two day. Some impressions:
First Tikka make a hell of rifle in T3x , I wanted to say hell of a cheap rifle because I know what I paid or this thing new. This thing flat out shoots well. I tried four different factory loads and they are all about 1.25 to 1.5 at 100 yards five shot groups. I had couple 3 shot-groups with 165 grain trophy bonds bear claws that were half that size. Seemed to like 180 partions as well. I am not any world class rifle shooter buy any means. I am sure you rifle guys would do better.

The mount DNZ I think is on the ugly side but it fairly light weight, seems solid and was 15 minute 1 beer job to install. I needed medium with the 50mm objective...I don’t think the low would have worked.

Now onto what this was all about. The Scope. This is hell of a nice piece of glass, clear from edge to edge. Bright....like really bright like I can shoot way way too late bright. The recital
Isn’t the finest and isn’t the heaviest either. So far adjustments been solid and precise. I haven’t zeroed it yet but I have made enough adjustments allow me to be where I need to at 100 yards, interested to see what the distances recital corresponds too after I settle on a load.
My only issue with the scope is that I think it’s a little big for the T3X Compact. I probably could have saved a few oz with a 1” tube and smaller adjective. More aesthetics than anything. The finished weight is right about 7.25 pounds.

So now what? Keep it? Sell it ? Who knows . But it’s been fun
For 1in scope, cabelas has zeiss hd5 and vortex razor lh on sale, both abt $5-600 if you apply discounted gift card, which can be easily found on raise. Very decent glass and light weight.

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I have the VX5HD, but as a dialer and I have Z3. Both are awesome scopes. If you aren't dialing, I would go with the Z3. Swaro gives the subtensions on their cross hairs at 3.1" on 10X. I am able to go out, knowing the ballistics of my 243, and shoot tight groups at 100, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400 and 500 yards by just holding over or under using the subtensions of the Z3 scope. It's very similar to using different pins on my bow.

What exact model Z3 do you have?