How cow! Those last couple landscape pics make we want to go right there! Awesome pics, awesome terrain, and I'm jealous as heck living in one of the flattest places in the world, in the Red River Valley of MN.
Opening morning this year in AZ. I saw over 80 deer, 16 Javelina, 6 coyotes, and 1 mountain lion in 12 hours of glassing this amazing little spot. 50 mule deer and 30 coues deer as we were hunting the edges of the two different deers' "general" territories. I even spotted two "hybrid" coues/mule deer bucks which was really cool to see through the 15's. Of course, since I had a rare for me mule deer tag this year (always hunt coues), I spotted three 110-120+ plus coues bucks well within stalking/killing range. Very cool to see and I probably missed several mule deer moving by watching them for about an hour and a half. Total deer spotted from this spot was over 300 as we quit counting after that.
There were a lot of road hunters out that week hitting the far flats pretty hard and it was fun to watch the mule deer evade them completely. Tactics of both holding fast hunkered down in brush/cactus and balls to the wall running, clearing a distance of about a mile in what seemed like less than 2 minutes. You can learn a lot about deer behavior from watching other hunters from up high.
All said and done it was 8 days of camping, backpacking, and hunting with a very good friend. We were fortunate to tag out on a dandy desert mulie and I'll be back in this glassing spot next year, hopefully with a Couesy tag in hand!