Paranormal Experience Tonight


Jun 30, 2020
Did you ever hear from the guy?
The other two experiences from long ago:


I lived in an apartment with a buddy. I came home one day, walked up the steps to the place and as I went to unlock the door I stopped. I felt an emptiness from inside the place. It was like a pressure difference feeling. Just so I wouldn't quickly dismiss the feeling I look at my key and said out loud to myself, "Things are missing inside". I opened the door and sure enough, my buddy moved out taking his furniture and all his stuff. How did I know/get the feeling prior to discovery?

Evil Presence

Same apartment. 6 months later I think. Living alone and wake up one morning to my bed sheets being pulled down tight, like there were two people pulling on each side of the bed. (Think Pvt. Pile soap party scene in FMJ movie) I was sleeping face down and could barely lift my head and upper body to see who/what was trapping me in my sheets. I see nothing! There was a extremely bad vibe darkness that overcame me. I felt something in that room with me. I said, "Oh Jesus please help me!" The chit stopped.
Same thing happened to me except it was my lady friend. I came home from work and got that empty feeling when I put my key in the lock. Maybe it was the, " I moved out you asshole" note on the door. I'm note sure, but sure enough my feeling were spot on.


Sep 29, 2012
My mother in law thinks people are breaking into her safe deposit box at the bank and re-wrapping her stuff (mind you, nothing is ever missing - just changed). It didn’t happen.


Mar 24, 2016
I tried searching for an excerpt or something about this but couldn’t find anything. Can you give some more info so that I might be able to find it?

His sister Carine received a message from Chris after his death via another person who had a vision in a dream where he told the woman (who Carine had not been in touch with for many years) to call his sister and tell her he is with her.

Not long after my sister died suddenly at 49, my dad, who of course was really hit hard by it, woke up in the middle of the night - which is very rare for him - and walked into the kitchen. He said all the sudden the house got very quiet and he heard my sister's voice say to him, "Dad, I'm alright" (which is EXACTLY how she would have said it). He reacted to it the exact same way Chris' sister did, which was to have an overwhelming sense of peace about it.


Aug 24, 2019
Sometimes I have very vivid dreams that often come true.
They're never good.
So I tend to get worried after having them.
I do the same thing and when it happens you get this weird deja vu that makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up and everything is in slow motion and you can finish a person’s sentence…

Doesn’t happen often .. but enough to know some bad chit about to be on the way..

I agree a lot we don’t know … my best friend swears with his hand on the Bible that his house is haunted exorcism style chit … even had a preacher come out and he’s not overly religious, but enough this stuff scares him. I believe him because he’s told me in confidence and none of our other friends know and he’s visibly shaken.
He said he’s seen shadows that look like arms moving under the bed and then either cabinet doors will slam or chandelier start moving.

He wants to move out of that house so bad. He says when he does he’s leaving everything in there


Mar 24, 2016
Sometimes I have very vivid dreams that often come true.
They're never good.
So I tend to get worried after having them.

I've been a vivid dreamer my whole life. I have solved problems in my dreams that I have been trying to figure out in real life, I have made up jokes, have cried like a baby, and made scenery and 'sets' that would blow away any hollywood movie. I've also had terrifying dreams. I used to get freaked out by them, but after 50 years you get used to it.

An odd thing is that my double-first cousin (my dad's brother married my mom's sister) is EXACTLY like me even though he's 9 years younger. He is the only other vivid dreamer in the family and actually wakes up in the middle of the night and records his dreams. He sends them to me and I swear they sound just like mine. His mom swore we were twins born nine years apart because of the way we are. Weird stuff.
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Jan 29, 2022
I work nights in a federal prison that's been used as an insane asylum since 1933. I was not a believer when I started. I have since had my mind changed. Whether its a sense of malevolence or something actually moving, all the way to seeing stuff out of the corner of my eye. Obviously, this is an awful place and its easy to get the heebeejeebees. But I've since experienced stuff at home, and it was pretty dang awful. To the point that I hired someone to come help me with it. It was bad enough that I asked out of my lease and the owner granted my request.

I just kinda roll with it now because I was a staunch non believer. Now it just kinda is what it is and is par for the course of where I work. Luckily it hasn't follwed me home again.
Mar 15, 2017
Our priest has become a good friend over the years. Through marriage, funeral, and a few kids; he's been our guy and we've got to know him very well and I trust him completely. He was over for supper about a month ago and casually mentioned that he's the appointed exorcist for all diocese in the state. That lead to a couple hours of questions and stories. He had some pretty intense stories of evil spirits in houses that he's had to do exorcisms on and full-blown human exorcism experiences that he described as stuff straight out of the movies. He also had some wild stories that his mentor had shared with him. He described the whole experiences as demons just trying to shake/scare him but they have no power. It was a neat conversation.
I find it strange that many people profess a belief in God but deny any sort of unseen forces such as demons and angels.

A close friend of mine started an orphanage in the Kenyan bush about a decade ago and worked there for a few years before handing it off. He has stories of the supernatural over there that will make you either have deeper faith in God or count him as a lunatic. I know where I stand on the issue.

The strangest one went like this. He was at the orphanage in a small rural building basically being in the eye of a tornado. He woke up to this crazy wind whipping all around them in the scrub and total calm in center where he was. He looked out to see a figure standing on the top a scrub tree looking at the building. He prayed for a while and the figure left and things went back to normal.

I figure if any place on earth would have demons it would be the African Continent for as much as has happened there.


Jun 9, 2021
South Carolina
I am convinced that my late wife visited the house during the night for about 18 months after she passed away. Objects were moved around, even things sat out of the frig.
10 pound Yorkie-Poo would get out of bed and go hang out with her. This is a dog who knows and goes apeshit if a cat, dog, possum, coon, fox, yote, car or person comes into the 4 acre open yard around the house. The nights things were moved, the dog would just quietly get out of bed and come back to bed later. There's no one else the dog wouldn't have gone wild about being in the house, or even outside.

Didn't really bother me, except the having to throw some food or drink away that was left out of the frig.


Mar 24, 2016
I find it strange that many people profess a belief in God but deny any sort of unseen forces such as demons and angels.

A close friend of mine started an orphanage in the Kenyan bush about a decade ago and worked there for a few years before handing it off. He has stories of the supernatural over there that will make you either have deeper faith in God or count him as a lunatic. I know where I stand on the issue.

The strangest one went like this. He was at the orphanage in a small rural building basically being in the eye of a tornado. He woke up to this crazy wind whipping all around them in the scrub and total calm in center where he was. He looked out to see a figure standing on the top a scrub tree looking at the building. He prayed for a while and the figure left and things went back to normal.

I figure if any place on earth would have demons it would be the African Continent for as much as has happened there.

100%. Your friend would likely be familiar with the word “shaitani” (devil).

I don’t discount any of the stories I’ve heard. Just nod along.


Jan 13, 2023
Huge skeptic here. Don't buy into ghosts n chit like that, but I've had unexplained/paranormal experiences a couple times prior to tonight. Been 20yrs since the last ones.

Anyway, downstairs in the armory cranking out some 308 loads with my boy, Bubba. (Pitbull) Wife went to bed long before upstairs, but if I'm making noise or Bub is fooling around too much, she will come down to bitch at us. Welp, Bubba was pacing and whining while I was on the press sizing brass and here come my wife coming down the steps, me and Bub turn to look, he is cocking his head sideways and I'm waiting for her to come into view off the bottom step. NOTHING! I was like WTF? So, I walk over to find nobody on the steps and then expect to meet my wife awake. Nope, she was/is still in bed. If it weren't for Bubba reacting to it also, I would just dismiss it as my imagination, but now I can't. This kinda chit make the hair on your neck stand up!
I would move out no ghosts for me!
Aug 26, 2013
New Orleans, La.
I was at work one morning, and my office is the first office off the entry hallway once you enter the building. The front door has an audible "chirp" alarm sound when you open the door to enter or exit. The Capt was in his office, next to mine (you walk through my office to get to his). We heard the front door open, and the "chirp" door alarm sound. A moment later I saw a shadow of a person move along the wall of the entry hallway as if someone was walking there, but no one walked past my office which is about 10 feet inside the front door. I waited a second, then got up to see who was there, there was no one. The Capt called out "Who came in?", I said "I don't see anyone". He said, "I heard the door alarm??". I said, "yea, me too but no one is here". The Captain walked through my office and into the hallway where I was, and we checked the building, no one else was there.
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May 1, 2021
Supernatural .. beyond nature.

After death some people need a bit more ... cleansing ... before admittance to Heaven, and some of those people are returned to the people or places where they lived. Praying for their release and relief often helps them and relieves their survivors of spooky stuff.

These are not angels (upright or fallen) which might better be handled differently.
Mar 26, 2017
I always say "I'll call the f**king Ghostbusters. They exist now."
Ghosts don't know if science has progressed enough for real Ghostbusters. 😂

I've had some weird stuff happen, but it was usually easy to explain.

The other night I felt my cat walking up my bed in the middle of the night. I talked to it then reached to pet it and nothing was there. Opened my eyes and nothing was there. Still felt something walking on me.
It was pretty wacky.