
Dec 31, 2021
I seem to be suffering from tendonitis pain. It seems to focus on triceps, biceps and at times my forearms.

It doesn't hurt to use them but trying to find a position that doesn't hurt in bed can be a challenge.

I have started using Blue Emu and a tylenol and have found some relief but it would be nice to bypass this. Suggestions?
I have recently started going to a PT that does dry needles, I guess it's like acupuncture but it's been working. I've had a lot of arm and shoulder injuries plus I did all facets of construction, repetitive motion stuff for a lot of years. Anyway about a month and a half ago she needled my forearm and at one spot while she was putting in the needles she said this spot is very tough, once she got the needle in the muscle or tendon, not sure exactly where she put it but it spasmed hard and released, it was almost instant relief. I picked up a a little tension strap/pad for my forearm and I've worn it every time I am using my forearm, not one time since she released it has my forearm hurt. She has needled some other areas as well and I have had relief in those areas too.

I am also dealing with nerve issues from my neck down thru my shoulder and down my arms, it effects different spots at different times, it often feels like tendonitis.
When you ask for medical advice on a hunting forum you get what you pay for. You should be talking to a doc especially since it sounds like it may be systemic and not just an overuse issue with one particular body part.

Beyond that, my experience with Blue Emu is that it works well where the problem is close to the surface (thumb tendons for me). Tylenol only helps you deal with the pain and does nothing to reduce the inflammation that causes the pain. You would be better off with aspirin or ibuprofen that helps with both.
Are you trying to bypass the Blue Emu or the Tylenol or both?

If this is an elbow tendonitis then you might try Pin Firing solution. It will hurt for a while but if works.

Ask your doctor about a prescription for Meloxicam. Same family of drugs as ibuprofen but is taken once daily which I think helps with the effectiveness. Ibuprofen doses get scattered out and usually forgotten throughout the day. Meloxicam is cheap and can be taken with Tylenol (but not with ibuprofen). GI doc says it's easier on your gut than multiple ibuprofen doses.

I wouldn't hesitate to add a CBD/CBG combo (non-THC) just for a trial run. Works for some folks especially at bedtime.
Buy online in tincture or chewable.
A good PT will help find the cause and then help or guide you on how to deal with it, they can easily determine if you have a muscle, tendon or nerve issue, imo the object is to heal or fix the issue and not mask it with creams and pills. Creams and pills have their place and can help with pain but you should seek someone to get you on a direct path to understanding and healing or fixing the issue, they can also help you find the appropriate pain relief for whatever issue.
lots of those pain pills like advil and ibuprofen etc will also ruin your kidneys if taken regularly for long periods. why do you think kidney dialysis has expanded to be such big business? not exactly good for the liver either. alcohol and medication together? Are you kidding?
My husband PT recommended a tens machine while he’s been recovering from a knee reconstruction surgery that’s included bone grafts. And that thing packs a punch. It’s a cheap buy that worth trying. I’ve used a a bit too and i really like it.

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Generally tendonitis type pain is going to be worse with activity like gripping and lifting and be relieved with rest. By far the most common types of tendonitis in the arm are medial and lateral epicondylitis. PT is gonna be your best bet for treating those. They can do dry needling if indicated and teach you the right type of stretches and exercises to beat it in the long run.

As mentioned above anti-inflammatory like ibuprofen can help but should not be taken long term. In general best to only use them for 5-7 days at a time. Another agent that works well is diclofenac gel (Voltaren Gel). It is the same type of medication as ibuprofen, Advil, naproxen etc (NSAIDS) but it is a topical gel so less of it gets absorbed into your system so much less likely to cause kidney or GI issues.
First, go to an orthopedic dr., he will probably have an MRI done, then write the prescription for the P..T., if he mentions surgery, go see one or two more orthopedists, that is how some make their money, surgery, but you already know this, right?

Second, I have found liquid Tylenol actually works for me. I don't need the Vitamin M anymore. Now pill Tylenol, you might as well be giving me sugar pills like Emma and the Lady Dr. on Andy Griffith.

Good luck.