I’ve used the same model of boot for decades. About 10 years ago I had construction coworkers who gave me crap about what they considered heavy boots (I wear the same boots at work that I hunt in). One likes ultra light shoes no more supportive than low top basketball shoes. The other has 8” tall work boots, but never tightens the laces so they slip on and off.
After 8 years working together we were talking about ankle injuries. Both of them had rolled their ankles a number of times and thought they had permanent injuries. My ankles are fine and I’ve never lost any time for ankle injuries.
This same situation is repeated across the west in multiples occupations and hobbies with guys who love light weight boots and occasionally have to carry heavy weight over rough terrain - over time it catches up with them.
One 6’2’ 200lb friend is an ultra marathon trail runner and is the most physically capable human I’ve ever hiked with - he could get away with packing that weight in Chuck Taylor’s.
All the guys who haven’t had an injury still talk about how it’s not an issue, but the ones who have stretched out ankles are less quick to talk about it. I enjoy the mountains too much to risk a catastrophic ankle mess - not every injury recovers 100% surgery or not.