To each their own of course but deadheading out to the truck and back seems like unecessary extra work to me. I'm taking my pack.
It doesn't get alot of love here but I sure like the simplicity of my F1 mainframe and the variety of configurations I can use with it. It for sure sees way more rucking duty with a sand bag on it than hunting time. The only thing always attached is the "sustenance pouch" molle'd on and containing a hydration bladder and extra gatekeeper straps - other than it just depends on what I'm up to for the day.
Ruck setup:
View attachment 828262
Day setup with a couple small batwings and spotter:
View attachment 828295
Day setup with single large batwing:
View attachment 828296
Hauling in camp setup with two small batwings with day gear and a 4Kcc zip-on dry bag with camp in it:
View attachment 828297
Single large batwing with bone-in front/hind mule deer quarters:
View attachment 828298
View attachment 828299
Two batwing day set up with an elk noggin:
Single large batwing with a ram noggin and cape:
Two batwings, camp, an elk noggin, and whatever else we could hang off it: did take me a little while to get the fit dialed to where I liked it but it works really good for me and might be a reasonable versatile setup the OP is looking for to ruck, hunt, etc.
Just Say No to deadheading...