Ozonics Gimmick or No?

Mine is 2-300mg can’t rem exactly. I wanna say each battery last about 4 hours. Here’s purchases from eBay I did. U can get cheaper fans but I paid more for a much quieter fan
Awesome - might have more questions for you if I decide to build one 👍
Its not 100% but it works. Still hunt the wind but for those ones that do get down wind it helps for sure. Sometimes they smell it but not sure what it is and keep on going. Has helped me multiple times in the 4years been using it.
Awesome - might have more questions for you if I decide to build one 👍
10-4 if you or anyone is interested i'd sell mine for $100 cuz i mostly rifle hunt anymore from a banks blind and only used it once or twice last season. Just thot i'd throw that offer out to anyone who isn't capable of building one cuz i had to have my electrical buddy sodder and help make sure connections were right. and i'll charge w/e my cost is to ship to you 2 day ( i work for fedex) so prolly like $7. if i ever decide i need another i can just make another, i would gladly have gave someone that to build one.
Ozonics has a smell of its own, and if I can smell it a deer cans definitely smell it. Maybe they don't associate it with danger though like they do human scent.
I’m with you here. Definitely work, but if you spook a mature deer with one of those going, eventually they will relate it to danger. With that said, when used properly they seem to work for a lot of people, especially in a blind of some kind. I don’t use them, but don’t want to hassle with more stuff to being into the woods. Milk weed is my go to for scent control.
It seems like a joke. There may be some science to it, but I’ve put a lot of seat time in and sometimes you get winded, sometimes you should have.

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Ozonics works wonders hands down ya wouldn’t think it did but it does ... cost is tough to stomach but it works... I just don’t know how long they last yet it concerns me I see refurbs for sale often
Firm believer in confirmation bias here.
Nothing more nothing less.
If it makes you feel like a more confident hunter, then use it...it’s your money.

We might have a lot more of these things sold once the govt stimulus checks start hitting....then it’s my money paying for your gimmicks and i will be upset you wasted your money 😂😂
I don’t use ozonics but I did build an ozone closet and tote for my boots and first outer layer. I am very convinced ozone reduces your scent profile but nothing can eliminate it. It can make smelly boots and clothes not smell. I think people who spent all the money on ozonics convince themselves it works (my friends included). You have to think about what your trying to achieve by using ozonics in a tree. Are you thinking the ozone layer is mixing with your scent molecules and reducing your scent profile or do you think it’s eliminating/destroying scent molecules. I would believe that if the unit was the size of your body, maybe. But to try and say it “showers” ozone over you is not convincing. Wind and thermals do strange things when they mix, most of your scent will get by untouched. Now in a blind, maybe it helps out who really knows. I would say ozone your clothes and play wind and thermals before spending money on that.
I was skeptical at first but won a scent crusher bag in a raffle so I gave it a try and I will not go to the stand without running clothes through a quick cycle now. Added a scent lok radial unit for the blind and hang above me in the stand.