Outdoor edge replaceable blade knives


Jul 17, 2012
Anyone tried one out? I see they are trying to make a knife similar to Havalons. I'm going to guess its a little bit heavier but can't tell by feeling it in the package. Looks a little bit easier to change the blades than a Havalon though.
Hm. Guess I don't have the correct search in there. Searched for Outdoor edge razor-lite and got one mention of it in a thread about buying a used Havalon.
If you are wanting a good gut hook, you should try a light weight utility handle with some roofing blades in it. They work incredibly well for opening the stomach or for making the long cuts for caping or skinning. The blades are cheap and easy to change out. I have used them for years and they make the long cuts on bears so easy with out a bunch of stopping and starting which leaves jagged edges.


This is my Son using one on his first bear.

Do a search on here. There has been lots of discussion about it.

really? i never seen a thread on it. not on the new havalon-copy..a thread on the rest of the knives..yes.

havalon got a big head start on this product..no catching them in the near future. :D
I looked real close at them. Loved the idea of the full tang supporting the blade. The blade was very easy to change and the blade lock up consistent and secure.

I liked the handle. Fit was great in my hand and the grip felt right. Now to the reason I didn't buy it. The area where the blade attached to the handle had a lot of play on the two I held. I could wiggle the blade quite a bit. If it wasn't for this I would have liked it more then the havalon.

For what it's worth the replacement blade are a bit more expensive but not out of line.