OSHA has officially released their ETS for Covid

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2 weeks to flatten the curve
One mask
Lab leak: conspiracy theorist
No mask
Two masks
Herd immunity via infection and inoculation
Vaccines will end the pandemic
Vaccines will stop the spread of covid
Vaccines will lessen the likelihood of infection
Lab leak: most likely scenario
Vaccines will prevent you from serious illness
Booster shot (because the first round lost effectiveness)
No poke, no paycheck

What’s next?

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Here's what I'm learning as all this unfolds (I'm an HR professional). A lot of religious exemptions are being denied, and the majority of people who were denied will not seek a lawsuit, and the majority of lawyers won't take the case.

Some companies seem to be very lax with their exemption criteria, others very strict. It seems to be more how desperate they are for government dollars vs political leaning (although that could still influence some companies).

If you are trying to claim a religious exemption, be prepared to get denied if you aren't part of an established religion that rejects vaccines and traditional medicine, or have gotten vaccinated in the past (like flu, or vaccines for kids to go to school).

As someone who works in the HR field, all of this is uncharted territory for HR and legal. HR isn't going to decide the exemption in most cases, the companies lawyers will. HR may help filter requests to the legal teams, but again, I'm finding for larger organizations it's the legal teams reviewing claims.

If you work for a federal contractor then expect to be vaccinated or fired unless you have subscribed to a mainstream religion that is and has always been against vaccines.

Some companies may also approve exceptions and later find they were in the wrong if the federal government (ie, Biden) goes even deeper and starts investigating claims. But that would take the EEOC I would imagine getting involved and they'll be busy for a while with complaints. Again, all uncharted territory. Good luck out there.

Thanks for the insight.

One thing that keeps jumping out is people referencing religious organizations with an individual’s religious beliefs. Most common is X church says they are pro vaccine therefore Christians of X denomination don’t have a leg to stand on.

How are companies/decision makers supposed to navigate that gray area? One is an organization led by men, and the other is a relationship between an individual and God that involves consciousness.

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The other thing some aren't considering here is that the employees who have been vaccinated are entitled to a safe workplace. But the folks who refuse the vaccines or refuse to provide status don't seem to ever consider that.
If those folks want a safe workplace, they have the right to choose to be vaccinated. Everyone including Fauci has said "the vaccines work". Well there you go. CHOOSE to get the vaccine and you're protected.....you're covered. Leave everyone else's liberty and right to CHOOSE to them. But you're covered and safe. Why do you care so much about other's safety from their choices. Everyone has the ability to choose safety over liberty, and everyone has the ability to choose liberty over safety. But those are very individual choices, and everyone makes them. Do you get upset when 90% of the workplace is overweight, they drink and smoke, and are generally unhealthy? How does that provide a safe workplace?

If you have 90 vaccinated employees and 10 unvaccinated who have all chosen those options.......what makes that workplace "unsafe"?

This is always the same argument from the left......."that your safety is my responsibility". It's the same for masks......."You not wearing a mask is a threat to my safety". Really? "You're already wearing a mask, by your choice........if you choose safety, then wear two masks and you have the same layers of protection as if I was wearing one." Again.......those are all individual choices........not to be coerced or forced on others.
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Our founding fathers are rolling over in their graves.

The government is going to take away your livelihood by “holding you accountable” to your coworkers by being vaccinated against a novel virus. A virus, that came from a lab, which our tax dollars funded, yet the lab nor the Chinese government is not held responsible for the leak.

Edit: left out the not, in the last line. Pretty important.

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Thanks for the insight.

One thing that keeps jumping out is people referencing religious organizations with an individual’s religious beliefs. Most common is X church says they are pro vaccine therefore Christians of X denomination don’t have a leg to stand on.

How are companies/decision makers supposed to navigate that gray area? One is an organization led by men, and the other is a relationship between an individual and God that involves consciousness.

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I covered this in an earlier post. Thomas v Indiana.
This is good news at least

Don’t worry though it’s not ivermectin there’s a big difference. they added the word potent
“The following day, Zero Hedge published its article comparing PF-07321332 to ivermectin, claiming the two drugs share “at least one mechanism of action”. It referenced ivermectin’s qualities as a “protease inhibitor" and Pfizer’s description of PF-07321332 as a “potent protease inhibitor”.

you couldn’t make this shit up if you tried.
A lot of what rubs me the wrong way is the changing messages about vaccines. If you read sources that were written before Covid (prior to 2020) you find statements like this:

"Vaccines don't just work on an individual level, they protect entire populations. Once enough people are immunized, opportunities for an outbreak of disease become so low even people who aren't immunized benefit. Essentially, a bacteria or virus simply won't have enough eligible hosts to establish a foothold and will eventually die out entirely. This phenomenon is called "herd immunity" or "community immunity," and it has allowed once-devastating diseases to be eliminated entirely, without needing to vaccinate every individual."

And anything related to vaccines after 2020 says that if every single person isn't vaccinated we will experience an endless variety of variants that render all vaccines useless. I never heard any argument like that regarding any other vaccine I've ever received prior to this year.
It should rub you the wrong way. It is not just the vaccine that they have changed the message about. The message changes almost weekly on all fronts.

Yes it is a novel virus. It is still a respiratory virus and still follows the basic biological principles of a virus. The outbreak still follows some basic biological principles of an outbreak. Look at the graphs of the infections. It is becoming pretty predictable on what is going to occur about 2 mos from now. Hint, we are going to have another spike in cases.

The CDC has changed a lot of things with no scientific proof to back it up. The people passing off science today would have laughed you out of room 2 years ago with the same "Science."
This is good news at least

Don’t worry though it’s not ivermectin there’s a big difference. they added the word potent
“The following day, Zero Hedge published its article comparing PF-07321332 to ivermectin, claiming the two drugs share “at least one mechanism of action”. It referenced ivermectin’s qualities as a “protease inhibitor" and Pfizer’s description of PF-07321332 as a “potent protease inhibitor”.

you couldn’t make this shit up if you tried.
I see this talked about a lot. I haven't looked into the investigational drug but saying the two drugs are even similar because they are protease inhibitors isn't correct. Proteases are enzymes that break down proteins. There are hundreds of them in the body.
2 weeks to flatten the curve
One mask
Lab leak: conspiracy theorist
No mask
Two masks
Herd immunity via infection and inoculation
Vaccines will end the pandemic
Vaccines will stop the spread of covid
Vaccines will lessen the likelihood of infection
Lab leak: most likely scenario
Vaccines will prevent you from serious illness
Booster shot (because the first round lost effectiveness)
No poke, no paycheck

What’s next?

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Pretty much sums it up
2 weeks to flatten the curve
One mask
Lab leak: conspiracy theorist
No mask
Two masks
Herd immunity via infection and inoculation
Vaccines will end the pandemic
Vaccines will stop the spread of covid
Vaccines will lessen the likelihood of infection
Lab leak: most likely scenario
Vaccines will prevent you from serious illness
Booster shot (because the first round lost effectiveness)
No poke, no paycheck

What’s next?

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Confirmation bias with a lack of researching sources is a big part of the problem.
Um no. There was a real virus that did cause significant sickness. The vaccine isn’t a control mechanism. They aren’t that smart. They are just scared and the vaccine comforts them. It is easier than the compensating factors (good health, good diet, exercise and getting outside).

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It absolutely is about control, vaccine passports are coming followed by personal identification cards with your social credit score and who knows what else.

there was/is a virus but I had a 98.7 or some crap survival rate, per the cdc and I’m an older guy.
they have lied and falsified every number related to this from the start and it was always to make thing look worse than they actually were. Ivermectin absolutely worked as an early treatment and was approved by the FDA years ago, however they lied about all that and even had Doctors and pharmacist say that it was dangerous, never approved etc. Now they are going to force kids that have never been at risk to take a shot…so they can see what will happen, they actually said something close to that.

They used a PCR test for over a year before admitting the test weren’t accurate.

I’ll post a video later from a doctor that said following the guidelines given to them they were actually killing their patients by giving them Remdesivir while they were on a ventilator. So if you have a loved one that did what they recommended and stayed home until you couldn’t breath…then went to the hospital and they put them on a ventilator, made them stay in the bed and not get up to walk around, said they will ease their pain with morphine and remdesivir. They gassed themselves to death.

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Confirmation bias with a lack of researching sources is a big part of the problem.

Please elaborate.

Not one bit of this is my opinion. It all came directly from those making the decisions. I can get you a link to a quote from the people in charge for each instance if you’d like.

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Whoever coined the phrase plandemic was spot on.

Gates has his hands in every part, planning (in the following link) vaccines and he and soros even partnered in a covid testing company

Rockefeller institute laid out the guidelines for quarantining (well) people, mask, shut downs and the part that we are about to see, supply chain disruptions back in 2010

I see this talked about a lot. I haven't looked into the investigational drug but saying the two drugs are even similar because they are protease inhibitors isn't correct. Proteases are enzymes that break down proteins. There are hundreds of them in the body.
saw someone refer to it as pfizermectin. :)
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