OSHA has officially released their ETS for Covid

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Totally true. There must be a shit load of unemployed, well trained, well educated, qualified, VACCINATED folks sitting around just wishing they had they’re one break in life. We all know there are way too many nurses and healthcare workers, making it impossible for newly qualified healthcare workers to find work. And you can substitute the word healthcare worker with teacher, military personnel, and any other essential worker to our society that are short staffed to the extreme. My wife lost her job as a registered nurse from this. As did many others. They are currently hiring healthcare workers from Haiti to replace them. Is that the employment opportunities you speak of? Your comment is insensitive and idiotic, and definitely not something you would say to the face of a husband who has held his wife crying after losing her nursing job after 20 years of taking care of folks like you and your family.
He takes great joy and mirth in American lives being needlessly destroyed. ( healthcare workers, combat vets, firemen, cops, truck drivers, grocery store workers etc) the same people who risked their lives the past year to keep this country from completely imploding are now the enemy, while those who stayed home drank booze, zoomed called, collected unemployment are today's true progressive heroes. Says something about his true character wishing harm on good brave honest hard working Americans. And he can't even understand the very basic concept of natural immunity, but he did say in the past ivermectin had no anti viral properties so his understanding of the science is laughable.

Yet No vaccine mandate for congress, their staff or the White House and its staff.
Please elaborate.

Not one bit of this is my opinion. It all came directly from those making the decisions. I can get you a link to a quote from the people in charge for each instance if you’d like.

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I meant that is a good example of confirmation bias by the so called decision makers.

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people are pretty wound up these days. There are checks and balances, a 3 branch system in place for a reason.
So when will employees of all three branches be forced to get the jab and endless boosters if there are such strong checks and balances? lol
Totally true. There must be a shit load of unemployed, well trained, well educated, qualified, VACCINATED folks sitting around just wishing they had they’re one break in life. We all know there are way too many nurses and healthcare workers, making it impossible for newly qualified healthcare workers to find work. And you can substitute the word healthcare worker with teacher, military personnel, and any other essential worker to our society that are short staffed to the extreme. My wife lost her job as a registered nurse from this. As did many others. They are currently hiring healthcare workers from Haiti to replace them. Is that the employment opportunities you speak of? Your comment is insensitive and idiotic, and definitely not something you would say to the face of a husband who has held his wife crying after losing her nursing job after 20 years of taking care of folks like you and your family.
Ive had three good nurse friends get fired this week ( all had proven natural immunity) plus five military friends are retiring early now. All had multiple tours to Iraq and Afghanistan, They are so pissed off and dejected after working hundreds of hours in OT the past 18 months crowded extremely stressful conditions treating Covid patients. Buzz thinks that's funny though. Just showing who is is again

Big thanks to your wife. Really schitty that Biden did this to her.

Hoping for future lawsuits with back play and compensation
I've had three good nurse friends get fired this week ( all had proven natural immunity) plus five military friends are retiring early now. All had multiple tours to Iraq and Afghanistan, They are so pissed off and dejected after working hundreds of hours in OT the past 18 months crowded extremely stressful conditions treating Covid patients. Buzz thinks that's funny though. Just showing who is is again

Big thanks to your wife. Really schitty that Biden did this to her.

Hoping for future lawsuits with back play and compensation
I just spoke to my sister (RN) and she said 180+ were recently "let go" from her hospital system in Medford OR. Even those with medical exemptions were laid off. And guess what, they are now "immediately hiring" 90 RN's. My company is poised to fire people that are not vaxxed. Most are hoping for religious exemptions. And we are already short around 45 full time employees. Not to mention call volume has reached extreme levels. The most calls we had done in a year was around 140000. I left work Wed morning and we were at 199K + with 50 plus days left in the year. People better learn to care for themselves in a hurry.
Firing medical professionals (as well as every other profession) for not taking their shot while they are allowing illegals by the millions across the border and flying God only knows how many afgans they are bringing.....all allowed in without a vaccine. If you were purposely trying to destroy a nation, I don't know what else you could do that these people are currently doing.
I just spoke to my sister (RN) and she said 180+ were recently "let go" from her hospital system in Medford OR. Even those with medical exemptions were laid off. And guess what, they are now "immediately hiring" 90 RN's. My company is poised to fire people that are not vaxxed. Most are hoping for religious exemptions. And we are already short around 45 full time employees. Not to mention call volume has reached extreme levels. The most calls we had done in a year was around 140000. I left work Wed morning and we were at 199K + with 50 plus days left in the year. People better learn to care for themselves in a hurry.

Seems prudent during a "deadly pandemic". Just more proof that this is about punishing people for not toeing the govt line, not saving lives.
Firing medical professionals (as well as every other profession) for not taking their shot while they are allowing illegals by the millions across the border and flying God only knows how many afgans they are bringing.....all allowed in without a vaccine. If you were purposely trying to destroy a nation, I don't know what else you could do that these people are currently doing.
Your religious exemption request will depend entirely on your company’s stance on this. And if it gets denied you won’t win the lawsuit guaranteed. I work in HR am not vaccinated, deal with this shit everyday and hate every second of it. I see the chest puffery and I’ll sue you crap everyday, guess what 99% of them won’t and when one does the case is going to get dismissed. Your accommodation would be to get tested weekly and wear a mask anyways, that’s what I’m doing.. Can’t believe this is what we have come to in this country, forced vaccination under the guise of workplace safety.
Your religious exemption request will depend entirely on your company’s stance on this. And if it gets denied you won’t win the lawsuit guaranteed. I work in HR am not vaccinated, deal with this shit everyday and hate every second of it. I see the chest puffery and I’ll sue you crap everyday, guess what 99% of them won’t and when one does the case is going to get dismissed. Your accommodation would be to get tested weekly and wear a mask anyways, that’s what I’m doing.. Can’t believe this is what we have come to in this country, forced vaccination under the guise of workplace safety.
The thing about the testing weekly exemption is this:

-At some point they will say, "rapid style test are invalid" (the medical company I work for already does this. And we manufacture and sell rapid tests. And no, I am not making this up.)
-There will then be a nationwide shortage of tests.
-You won't be able to get a test then, its a choice of jab or job.

I have no proof of this, but its what I believe is going to happen.
If this was an actual pandemic the southern border would be slammed shut, not allowing ten
of thousands of unvaxed potential vectors from around the world to cross indiscriminately.
If the Gov't was genuinely concerned about our safety and health, those on Gov't assistance would
also be mandated to get the "vax', not just those who have a job and keep the country moving.
And if it was an actual emergency, there would be no need for mandates.
The thing about the testing weekly exemption is this:

-At some point they will say, "rapid style test are invalid" (the medical company I work for already does this. And we manufacture and sell rapid tests. And no, I am not making this up.)
-There will then be a nationwide shortage of tests.
-You won't be able to get a test then, its a choice of jab or job.

I have no proof of this, but its what I believe is going to happen.

The whole testing thing is a joke. Test the unvaccinated in order to protect those who got a vaccine to protect themselves from the unvaccinated. But if course, the vaccinated can get infected and carry just as high a viral load as the unvaccinated, however, the vaccinated are less likely to by symptomatic and are not required to wear masks, thus making them more dangerous to the very people they are so scared of.

It's all so tiresome.

Dem Governor Signs Executive Order to Turn Away Unvaccinated from Hospitals and Prioritize Treatment to Vaccinated Patients​

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Agree, especially in healthcare. Unless people are going to leave the healthcare field permanently, I can't see being employed without vaccination.

Other industries, yeah I think it will eventually pass but I'd be surprised if it's ever not required in a healthcare setting.

The hospitals that are granting religious exemptions are gaining employees, those that don't are losing them..
Remember the pic of the two water fountains, one that says 'white' and the other 'colored?' Just change that to 'vaxxed' and unvaxxed.' This is the world you live in now.
This is a garbage as hell comparison.

Comparing black segregation to vaccination? GTFO
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If this was an actual pandemic the southern border would be slammed shut, not allowing ten
of thousands of unvaxed potential vectors from around the world to cross indiscriminately.
Got to bolster the voter base somehow as constituents are being lost due to mandates.
Hand them the welcome bag with cash and free healthcare- just remember us on election day..
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