Oryx -- long term (?) strategy

I am 23-years of trying, not drawing a tag in NM, and even now with a DAV tag, nothing is off to Africa next year. They are great to eat and a beautiful animal, hope you can draw one.
That’s brutal. Trying to draw what tag? Good luck in Africa.

I’m gonna start trying for an off-range tag in a couple years. Is there a way to calculate draw odds without paying up for some subscription service?
That’s brutal. Trying to draw what tag? Good luck in Africa.

I’m gonna start trying for an off-range tag in a couple years. Is there a way to calculate draw odds without paying up for some subscription service?
Given that NM is pure random chance, and they report how many people entered and how many licenses are available, it's a quick calculation.

Looks like even off range is single digit odds tho
I agree, you should consider Africa. My wife and I just returned from a hunt in South Africa. It was a great experience and the outfitter (Bosveld Jacobs) treated us very well. No doubt that a trip to RSA will cost you more money but you will probably see a lot more animals to choose from. The only draw back in my mind is you leave the meat behind. Oryx was one of the animals I wanted but did not get. However, that was my own fault. Oryx are a fun animals to hunt, they are quite elusive and skittish
Given that NM is pure random chance, and they report how many people entered and how many licenses are available, it's a quick calculation.

Looks like even off range is single digit odds tho

I looked at the numbers last night for off-range hunts and, assuming the NM draw works the way I think it does, I agree with your odds calculations (for non-residents).

Guess I should just start applying now and figure out the logistics if I ever get lucky.
I was a WSMR Badge holder for 5 years and I never drew one through the badge holder program. Even that is rough odds.

I also never drew one through the state either.

Shot 3 in Namibia, but that was 25 years ago. I need to go back.
I was a WSMR Badge holder for 5 years and I never drew one through the badge holder program. Even that is rough odds.

I also never drew one through the state either.

Funny seeing all these. My buddy and I have been applying for the disabled veteran tags for five years. Neither of us has drawn. Took a brief look and couldn't find any draw odds on that one, but apparently they aren't that good either.
Funny seeing all these. My buddy and I have been applying for the disabled veteran tags for five years. Neither of us has drawn. Took a brief look and couldn't find any draw odds on that one, but apparently they aren't that good either.
They post the data for the IEF/OEF Vet tags. They do not post the data for the secondary DAV draw. Both of these are only for residents if anyone is wondering.

There are about 8000-9000 WSMR badge holders, between contractors and civil servants. There are also a couple of hundred active duty. Active duty have their own pool on WSMR, but are still eligible for badge hunts.

The problem with badge hunts is you can sponsor up to 5 (I think it was 5 last year) other people. So if over 500 of those 8000-9000 hunt (which is a pretty typical statistic in New Mexico) and each one of them does at an average of 3 sponsored hunters that is 1500 other people trying to get a couple hundred badge tags.

I never sponored anyone, I didn't want to deal with taking someone hunting and me not having a tag especially some place I worked.
I played the lottery game for a while and gave up and did private land hunts.
How are those hunts?

I'd love to figure out an oryx hunt that's maybe a little better odds of success than the worst public land NM ones [ie the ones I stand a chance to ever draw ] but still feels like a hunt -- ie not a high fence operation ideally or at least high fence with small area etc..
How many of the guys here who have done it have been successful?
What hunt are you referring to?

Off range success is super low, but you have an entire month. Off range is misleading as it means both WSMR and Fort Bliss, so over 80% of the oryx primary distribution. You need to have the time to give it hell for up to a week. Guys that go out one time don't kill oryx, unless they have a friend who has some tied to a tree on these hunts.

On range badge holder hunts also have a month, but have to schedule around testing. Super high success.

On range draw hunts get 2-3 days depending on testing. Testing may push the date of the hunt left or right a week or two. The Army, Navy, Air Force, Nasa and contractors drive this. But mostly the Fish and Game has a good contract with the WSMR and doesn't normally cancel hunts. They just put people in another area of the range. Generally arrive and safety brief Friday hunt half a day and then Saturday and Sunday.

Getting a tag is the hardest part.

$1500 tag, plus the cost of getting there from someplace other than West Texas, New Mexico or Arizona puts this at a $2000-3000 type hunt all in.

You do not have any control over scouting, or where you will hunt on badge hunts and draw hunts.

As I said earlier you have to know someone on WSMR with badge access to be considered for a badge hunt.
The only "good" landowner hunts are probably on the Almendaris ranch. They charge almost the going rate of flying to Namibia to shoot 3.
I put my daughter in for an off range hunt and she drew a tag for next March. Sounds like the off range hunts can be very tough. I didn’t realize it was that tough of a hunt. Hopefully we can find some Orxy for her
How many of the guys here who have done it have been successful?
I drew off range in 2020. Had a friend that lived there but had never hunted them. He scouted a few areas. We had zero problem finding oryx. So much so that I chased them with the bow for the first 2 days. I made multiple stalks where I got to 80 before being busted by switching winds. I passed a broken horn at 50. Once I broke out the rifle, we were being selective. I killed one the first morning I hunted with the rifle. Glassed them up from 500+ and ended up shooting it at about 70 yards. It was bedded and the way the ground and cover laid out, I didn't have a shot until I got close.

I think people think it will be an easy hunt and that they can shoot/glass them from roads. Problem is everyone does that. Find areas that you need to walk a little ways to be able to see into. Most people are probably also incapable of getting one back to the truck if they don't kill it fairly close.

It was a phenomenal action packed experience for me. Sorry if I have already weighed in on this thread. I can't remember and I'm too lazy to check.
How many of the guys here who have done it have been successful?
On range badge was fun and successful as expected. I expect you meant off range in your question though.


On range badge holder hunts also have a month, but have to schedule around testing. Super high success.
Might have changed but in 2021 you were assigned a month but could only hunt "non-mission weekends, holidays, and compressed Fridays"
I drew off range in 2020. Had a friend that lived there but had never hunted them. He scouted a few areas. We had zero problem finding oryx. So much so that I chased them with the bow for the first 2 days. I made multiple stalks where I got to 80 before being busted by switching winds. I passed a broken horn at 50. Once I broke out the rifle, we were being selective. I killed one the first morning I hunted with the rifle. Glassed them up from 500+ and ended up shooting it at about 70 yards. It was bedded and the way the ground and cover laid out, I didn't have a shot until I got close.

I think people think it will be an easy hunt and that they can shoot/glass them from roads. Problem is everyone does that. Find areas that you need to walk a little ways to be able to see into. Most people are probably also incapable of getting one back to the truck if they don't kill it fairly close.

It was a phenomenal action packed experience for me. Sorry if I have already weighed in on this thread. I can't remember and I'm too lazy to check.
Thanks for training him up. ;)

Its a bit like pronghorn in that they disappear into folds easily.

Why do you think folks would have a hard time on the packout? Size wise they're between a big mule deer and a smaller cow elk. The terrain is uneven and hard which is taxing but no major elevation changes.
On range badge was fun and successful as expected. I expect you meant off range in your question though.


Might have changed but in 2021 you were assigned a month but could only hunt "non-mission weekends, holidays, and compressed Fridays"

Thanks for training him up. ;)

Its a bit like pronghorn in that they disappear into folds easily.

Why do you think folks would have a hard time on the packout? Size wise they're between a big mule deer and a smaller cow elk. The terrain is uneven and hard which is taxing but not major elevation changes.
Because people are fat and lazy. Same reason they want to shoot one from the vehicle.

Agreed, the pack out is not difficult in any way.

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Because people are fat and lazy. Same reason they want to shoot one from the vehicle.

Agreed, the pack out is not difficult in any way.
As a whole I don't disagree but anyone that is willing to hunt elk and pack them out and actually done it (theory vs reality) wouldn't have an issue, I'd assume more folks on here fall into that category than the yahoos driving their UTV everywhere (legal or not) and never straying far. Could be wrong though.
As a whole I don't disagree but anyone that is willing to hunt elk and pack them out and actually done it (theory vs reality) wouldn't have an issue, I'd assume more folks on here fall into that category than the yahoos driving their UTV everywhere (legal or not) and never straying far. Could be wrong though.
I thought the same thing. But I now feel it is more of some people that do actual backpack type hunts, and then a bunch of people that like the idea of it.

If you do real backpack hunts, oryx is a cake walk. Although I did max out my whoop score on the first day. Probably mainly from being in 100+ degrees from dark to dark and walking several miles in sand.

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I thought the same thing. But I now feel it is more of some people that do actual backpack type hunts, and then a bunch of people that like the idea of it.

If you do real backpack hunts, oryx is a cake walk. Although I did max out my whoop score on the first day. Probably mainly from being in 100+ degrees from dark to dark and walking several miles in sand.
Prolly a mix. I'm more humble since I crossed the 40mark a couple years ago and I'm not as diligent/consistent on fitness as I'd like to be but if you got the mental grunt to suck it up you can grind it out. I am just realistic that I've got extra laps on my packouts.

The sun, dry, grit, AND everything thing poking you takes a toll during the day that is for sure and I've only hunted down there in the cooler temps too.