Ordered a spyder turbo today

I'm getting closer to pulling the trigger. My partner got one this weekend. Probably next year
I'm going to finish the season with what I have. Then take a look at the 2014 bows. I pretty much have my heart set on a 80# spyder turbo too.

This. I have a hoyt turbohawk I bought back in '09. Have been wanting to upgrade for a while now. Was dead set on a spyder 30 (prefer smaller axle to axle bows). A few months back I put a vibekiller from coolhandluke over on AT on the turbohawk, and I am amazed how quiet my bow is now. Defiantly am stoked on the setup. My bow now needs new strings, so I'll wait till the '14 bows come out to see if I'll upgrade or not. With having said all that, the spyder is probably the best bow I have shot to date...

P.S. to the OP, congrats on the new setup!!
This. I have a hoyt turbohawk I bought back in '09. Have been wanting to upgrade for a while now. Was dead set on a spyder 30 (prefer smaller axle to axle bows). A few months back I put a vibekiller from coolhandluke over on AT on the turbohawk, and I am amazed how quiet my bow is now. Defiantly am stoked on the setup. My bow now needs new strings, so I'll wait till the '14 bows come out to see if I'll upgrade or not. With having said all that, the spyder is probably the best bow I have shot to date...

P.S. to the OP, congrats on the new setup!!

I have been trying to get my hands on one of those! Is he makin them again or how did you get yours?
I have been trying to get my hands on one of those! Is he makin them again or how did you get yours?

What kind of bow you have? I checked my mail today, and for some reason he sent me an extra one. I was gonna send it back, but I can send it to you instead, provided the funds, and I'll send him the money for it.
Congrats!! What lead you to the Turbo, what were the key factors that made your final decision? I'm planning on a new bow for christmas, so just want to see your thought process.
I had a vector turbo and really liked it. It was 80 lbs also. Well, long story short one of the limbs on my VT splintered a tad and I took it in to get replaced under warranty... made the mistake of looking at the spyder turbo's...decided to shoot one.... and couldn't resist switching. ha!
This definitly a bow I'm considering, I also want to shoot the hoyt carbon matrix & element, and the spyder 30 & 34, gonna be some tuff decisions!!