Opinions on newer F150 onboard generators

Mar 14, 2020
Port Aransas, TX
I am upgrading my truck to a 2022. They have a 2kw onboard generator as an option built into the bed of the truck. The truck I’m purchasing does not have this option from the factory installed but it is one of the designated trucks from Ford to have this option.

Has anyone added an aftermarket generator? Or will Ford do this? I haven’t called a dealership yet but I was wondering if this is even worth it. Who has one and loves them? Hates them? I carry a lot of gear when elk hunting or beach fishing so I’d rather have one onboard as to carry another piece of equipment. Thoughts???

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I have one on my '22 F150. Don't use it nearly as much as I thought I would. It's a nice insurance policy but that's about all it's been for me.
I have a 2022 F150 that I ordered from the factory built to my specs. I ordered the 7KW generator. I can’t comment on if Ford can install it after the fact or aftermarket.

But my experience with my powerboost generator is I would never order another truck without it. I would guess the average person probably doesn’t use the generator all that much. I don’t use mine on a daily basis, but I do use it quite a bit.

I use my generator to keep the AC running in my enclosed trailers when I’m going cross country with my animals during peak summertime temperatures. I use it when I’m camping if I wanna run AC in the trailers or a microwave, space heater, etc.

I’ve used it multiple times to run power tools while in the field without access to nearby shore power.

I just returned home from a trip where I had to pick up 1100 frozen Quail 1200 miles from home. I spent three extra days in town before returning home. I powered a full-size 21 foot chest freezer and a smaller 10 foot chest freezer in the bed my truck the entire way. I’ve also used it to run my small portable fridge/freezer in my truck bed on many hunting trips. Heck, I even use it when I’m doing road trips and want to run a single cup Keurig off the tailgate of my truck to have coffee whenever I feel like it lol.

Is it absolutely necessary? No not at all. Would I want to do without it now that I’ve had it, definitely not!
I’ve got the 7kw. Absolutely would do it again. Powered rv’s without any problem. Like @Chase0109 said, lots of capability in hot and cold seasons.

I’ve used mine at the pool over July 4th for a big blender to make fresh pina coladas, that’s always fun.
I have the 7kw in my 2021 F150 PB. I've used it very little so far, but for the cost it's been well worth it. I have a transfer switch in my house and it's been used in 2 outages (granted the longest only lasted 45 minutes but nice to know it works just in case). I've also run plug in saws clearing trails on my deer lease. In the 5.5ft bed, I definitely think it's worth not having to haul a standalone unit.
I have the factory installed 2000 watt on my 2023 F150. I run a space heater several hours daily for the dogs during the winter. Works great EXCEPT when it faults out due to snow or mud accumulation underneath the bed where the wiring comes in - then all the outlets won’t work (including the cab) until it fries out. Ford knows about the issue and supposedly has a solution for it. Will see…. Have it scheduled in a few weeks.