Once We Were Wolves

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I’ll probably watch this later tonight. Saw Cam at Pisgah today. Never stopped to talk to him or anything but he always says hey and seems friendly enough.
Edit: I should also clarify that I remember Cam Hanes from his early days and have a lot of respect for his accomplishments. It’s the marketing machine that has ruined it for me and possibly for the entire hunting community for years to come. There isn’t the sustainability to match the increased popularity that it creates. And I realize the hypocrisy as well, criticizing on an online forum. I contribute a cog to the machine like we all do. Not really better or worse in most cases…
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So I watched it. Honestly Cam is the best part. The UA guy with the potty mouth did not impress me. The hunt itself was pretty intense, original shot and encounter and then the follow up. Following a wounded Grizzly into brush is crazy. I can understand Cam being upset that the guide shot it , however he is still alive and well. I used to read about Cam and Roy Roth in Bowhunter all the time so was cool to see the segment on Roy. He died too soon.
I see a bunch of folks being negative and complaining in this thread. Didn’t watch it. Prolly won’t. But also not a fan of hunters tearing down hunters.

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It never ceases to amaze me the level of ignorance displayed anytime Cam Hanes name comes up on this forum.

There is no one out there who worked as hard as Cam Hanes has worked to get to where he is today. Period.

Anyone who hates on him, doesn't have a clue about his whole story.

That being said. I didn't like the film. It was far too depressing, and the whole not wanting to put the footage out because there was a gun involved rubbed me the wrong way.

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It’s all the chest thumping that these new “social media” hunter types do that puts it over the edge for me. I realize is a different world now, but its so overdramatized and fraught with cringe worthy attention seeking. And as others have said, they loose all credibility with me when they try to put hunting through a tacticool lense.

The one guy—“I’ve never been to war, but…” 🤣comical d****e baggary at its finest
This right here!!! 100

How about a little humility and less, "...rah, rah, I'm a badass!!!". Looks like they both need a bigger shirt too. Good grief... Huge turnoff and makes me want to puke. I don't see Chuck Adams out there talking like he is the guru of bowhunting. That guy has killed more animals with his bow than most and you don't see him out there making macho porn bow hunting movies. If HGH and steroid fueled "elite" bow hunters with no regard to class or swearing are the new role models God help us all. Gag me...
Yeah , I scanned it on TOS , the whole "I don't need no rifle , either I kill the animal or it kills me " is a little extreme . And then makes an exception for a grizzly ? Well what other animal does he hunt that can kill him other than bears .
Also , they justify the hypocrisy of using a rifle by saying it was for the safety of the crew ? Laughable . Just walk down there and kill the grizzly and call the crew when it's down .
Also , all the "I don't fear death "talk is a little over the top , IMO . I don't fear death either , but there is no animal worth me dying .
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