Once We Were Wolves

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I’m not gonna click on so I don’t contribute to any views but I can only assume and use my imagination for what the video is.
you can claim it’s jealousy or whatever you want.
yep other than license sales and donating to non profits and trying to be active when F&G have meeting or public comment periods I haven’t done much, but the one thing I haven’t done is get my own catch phrase, get followed around by a bunch of roid heads, and exploit wildlife and public lands to a detriment and then go hunt private ranches after you deem them to crowded after you helped make it that way
There is no one out there who worked as hard as Cam Hanes has worked to get to where he is today. Period.
You're painting with a pretty broad brush here. I guarantee there's plenty of people who have worked just as hard or harder to get where they are in life, they're just not thrusting themselves into the public eye to show it. Cam is far from the only hard work success story in this country.
You're painting with a pretty broad brush here. I guarantee there's plenty of people who have worked just as hard or harder to get where they are in life, they're just not thrusting themselves into the public eye to show it. Cam is far from the only hard work success story in this country.
I was clearly talking about in the hunting industry. And I'll stand by that statement.

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I honestly don't know who any of these guys are. I watched the video up until the dramatic drone footage through the fog following the dude in the snow. That was more than enough.

This is literally just standard reality TV which is pure garbage. The only difference is you get a hunting influencer that has made an impression with some folks putting himself on a pedestal in the first few minutes and leaving the rest of the hunting community at his feet. Absolutely ridiculous to surround somebody like this with such pomp and circumstance. Maybe he should run for POTUS in '24.

I'd rather hang out with 99% of the humbel non-influencers on this site than folks like him. I've learned an enormous amount from this site from just the average dudes working normal 8-5 jobs than guys like this.
I was clearly talking about in the hunting industry. And I'll stand by that statement.

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Sorry, I dont buy it. You may be correct if you stated no one has worked harder for likes and social media attention. There are plenty of hunting pioneers that were not making tons of cash as easily as todays "influencers". You had people like Jordan, Haas, Adams, maybe Ulmer and probably others I dont know about because I dont follow or idolize anyone. My opinion is these people had way more skin in the game and had to work way harder than simply posting to the gram. I could be way off base. Or maybe I am just getting old. I just dont see posting videos and bull shi@#$ng on a podcast as working harder than anyone else ever has to make it in the hunting industry.
What's he done for hunting or the animals aside from profit off of them?
You can use whatever measure of how much/what someone does for a community; you can donate, teach, etc.
But I’d be real curious to know how many of the 1M+ followers have bought a bow, probably half of which bought a hunting license, which turns into taxidermy, local processors, etc.
So I’d venture to say he contributes more than most 🤷🏻‍♂️
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Sorry, I dont buy it. You may be correct if you stated no one has worked harder for likes and social media attention. There are plenty of hunting pioneers that were not making tons of cash as easily as todays "influencers". You had people like Jordan, Haas, Adams, maybe Ulmer and probably others I dont know about because I dont follow or idolize anyone. My opinion is these people had way more skin in the game and had to work way harder than simply posting to the gram. I could be way off base. Or maybe I am just getting old. I just dont see posting videos and bull shi@#$ng on a podcast as working harder than anyone else ever has to make it in the hunting industry.
People forget, or just don't know, where Cam Hanes came from. I'm also not in the business of defending strangers to other strangers on the internet though, so the best I can say is read his book, listen to the first podcasts he did with Rogan.

I would be hard pressed to believe you wouldnt have more respect for him if you understood what he has done to get where he is today.

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It’s all the chest thumping that these new “social media” hunter types do that puts it over the edge for me. I realize is a different world now, but its so overdramatized and fraught with cringe worthy attention seeking. And as others have said, they loose all credibility with me when they try to put hunting through a tacticool lense.

The one guy—“I’ve never been to war, but…” 🤣comical d****e baggary at its finest
Anybody that is willing to compare hunting to war isn’t worth the time it takes to click the “play” button on my phone. The comparison is a joke and I will view the man that makes that statement as a joke as well.

I must admit, feel like I was able to pack a lot into that one.

I didn't watch the film, I did read the article Cam wrote a few years ago about Roy, I thought it was really good. I was a fan of early Cam, he worked his ass off to get where he is, and I think he would be doing what he is doing with or without sponsors, he just loves it.
I do think the ego and popularity has been going to his head a bit.
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It never ceases to amaze me the level of ignorance displayed anytime Cam Hanes name comes up on this forum.

There is no one out there who worked as hard as Cam Hanes has worked to get to where he is today. Period.

Anyone who hates on him, doesn't have a clue about his whole story.

That being said. I didn't like the film. It was far too depressing, and the whole not wanting to put the footage out because there was a gun involved rubbed me the wrong way.

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I couldn't agree more, well said.

I'm not a psychologist/psychiatrist by any stretch of the means, but it's hard not to question the hate. I am a firm believer that each and every person is exactly where they should be, based on their actions, decisions and work ethic. Or you could say lack of action, poor decisions and void of work ethic.

I can't stand excuse makers, or pipe dreamers. The "I could do that to...if" Want opportunity? Go MAKE it happen.
Envy and jealousy is so unbecoming of a Man.

Also didn't care for the film, the "ready to die" theme at the end was a bit much. Also agree that Cam being hesitant releasing footage was a turn off for sure.
Anybody that is willing to compare hunting to war isn’t worth the time it takes to click the “play” button on my phone. The comparison is a joke and I will view the man that makes that statement as a joke as well.

I agree. So often you hear a pro athlete talking about "going to war"....on a football field? Stop. Your a warrior-ha, ok bud.

I'm sure every Veteran out there has had numerous people come up to them in their lives and say "yeah, I was gonna join the Marines/Army etc, but......."

Just leave it alone.
I am a firm believer that each and every person is exactly where they should be, based on their actions, decisions and work ethic. Or you could say lack of action, poor decisions and void of work ethic.

The guys still kills 3 to 4 animals on public land with his bow every year in otc units and all haters want to talk about are the ranches and private land hunts. It's low vibration hating.

I remember guys hating in the Drury brothers in the whitetail world back in the day. Ignoring the fact that they self funded and self started producing their own videos on VHS when they were building houses for a living. Hunting public or permission to earn their way to have the means to buy, lease or own private to grow big deer on.

People hating on people who have earned what they have irks me in a big way, probably because I am grateful for what I have and have worked harder then most to have it.

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Cam definitely pretends to be an elite tier 1 operator.
Didn’t watch it, not going to, do not have strong feelings towards Cam one way or another, but he is without a doubt an “elite tier 1 athlete”. I don’t think that can be debated.
Love him or hate him he is one of the only ones out there that practice what they preach.
You guys on here bashing him are fueling the anti-hunting fire. Like the guy or not, we need to quit attacking each other. Do your own thing and keep supporting the cause, not tearing down other hunters.
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